Displaying 111 - 120 of 245.
Review of the Cairo press in which three controversies are discussed. First, a Fatwá banning serving food or drinks during the day during Ramadan. Second the story of Qistantīn, a priest’s wife who disappeared and supposedly converted to Islam, and now lives in seclusion in a monastery, amid rumors...
The Christian mother embroiled in a lawsuit with her ex-husband over the custody of their two children has claimed that she will not give custody of her children over to her Muslim husband.
The Shubra al-Khaima criminal court has sentenced Bahiya Nagy al-Sissi in absentia to three years in prison for forgery. Al-Sissi was born a Christian but, unbeknown to her, her father converted to Islam for a brief period when she was a child.
The Alexandria Court of Appeals has ruled that the Muslim father of two Christian boys should be given custody of his children.
A court ruling has given Mario and Andrew’s Muslim father custody of his two Christian children
A Christian woman is detained for alleged forged documents noting that they were Christian, a fact that was questioned by a court in relation to their father’s brief conversion to Islam over 30 years ago.
An article discussing a British youth, who converted to Islam, and is being questioned by police in connection with a suburban bomb factory.
This article sheds light on the six necessary legal procedures which are to be fulfilled before validating a conversion to Islam.
The article presents a Mark Steyn article published in an American weekly magazine National Review which rejects the Evangelization of moderate Muslims in the West because it can deprive Islam of moderate leaders who can carry out reformation in Islam.
The article details the findings presented by the National Council for Human Rights on the condition of human rights in Egypt.


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