Displaying 41 - 50 of 245.
 Some Coptic thinkers protest against the church's refusal to comment on the hearsay that affirms the conversion of Kamilia to Islam.  
 Some Internet sites claim the conversion of Kāmīliyā, the wife of Dayr Mawās' priest, to Islam and the Azhar's refusal to authorize it. Father 'Abd al-Masīh denies the reports.  
 The crisis of Kamilia Shehata is still ongoing and threatens to cause a sectarian crisis between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
 Some prominent lawyers take legal action against President Mubarak and the head of the Kuwaiti newspaper in Cairo concerning the disappearance of Kamilia.
The author presents a book by a Christian writer that explains the steps of transforming Muslims into Christians and vice versa.  
'Abd al-Masīh Basīt, priest of the Virgin Mary Church in Musturud, asserts that Wafā’ Constantine declared herself Christian and that returning to her home would have threatened her life and stirred up sectarian tensions. She lives in a safe place affiliated to a monastery. Security forces are...
Shaykh Ibrāhīm Zakarīyā, representative of the Salafist Call Organization in the upper Egyptian governorate of al-Minya, said that the problems between salafists and Copts have to do with the "Christian women who converted to Islam and are detained inside monasteries." He denied rumors that...
A plot of land registered in Pope Shenouda’s name sparked a recent conflict between Muslims and Christians in 'Izbet al-Haggāna. Dr. Tharwat Bassily recommended that people wait for Pope Shenouda’s statement upon his return from the U.S. Simultaneously, Bishop Theodosius of Giza invalidated the...
Salafīs demonstrated in front of the State Council on March 29, while a lawsuit, accusing the Church of kidnapping Kāmīliyā Shihātah after she converted to Islam, was reviewed by the Administrative Court. The Coptic Church denies that Kāmīliyā Shihātah has ever converted to Islam or has been...
Rockstar and peace activist Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) has created a new song "My People" dedicated to the people of Egypt. In Riz Khans program on Al Jazeera he talked about the role of music in the present wave of change. The song will be freely available from his website www.yusufislam....


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