Displaying 131 - 140 of 689.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), an American governmental commission monitoring religious freedom all around the world, claimed that in the last year Iranian state authorities stepped up repression of non-Shia Muslim, especially Sufi and Sunnite and other religious ...
Al-Akhbār of Dec. 15 published a front-page report on the Egyptian foreign ministry's summoning of Dutch ambassador in Cairo Susan Blankhart to express Egypt's strong condemnation of Dutch Member of Parliament Geert Wilder' book defaming Islam.
On Monday (December 17), journalists and members of the Wafd Party marched from their headquarters to the Syndicate of Journalists to protest attacks on the Wafd Party headquarters on Saturday (December 15) night.
In a statement he delivered on Saturday, December 22, Dr. Yāsir Burhāmī, Deputy of the Salafī Call (al-Da’wah al-Salafīyah), attacked media outlets, the Coptic Church, and the opposition.
“You do not deserve freedom and justice, if you deny them for your opponents, and if you do not strive to grant them the full rights of citizenship, so be sure that no one will strive for yours, unless you experience the bitter taste of being segregated. Freedom, justice and equality are rights...
Al-Marj Criminal Court sentenced Albert Sābir ‘Ayād to three years in prison, commutable by a fine of one thousand Egyptian pound, for contempt of religion, insulting God and the holy prophets and promoting a film depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a negative way on Facebook. 
Hannes Swoboda, President of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament, rejected insults to religious symbols, noting there is difference between the freedom of expression and affronts to religion. [Muhammad al-Fiqī and Akram Najīb, al-Akhbār,...
Concerns are dominating the media establishment after a decision to close down the al-Farā’īn channel owned by Tawfīq ‘Ukāshah following accusations of instigation against the president of the republic and the confiscation of an issue of al-Dustūr newspaper for nearly the same reason.
In an attempt to confront the repeated attacks on the freedom of the media the “Higher Committee for Opposing the ‘Brotherhoodization’ of the press and media, is to meet [Reviewer: no date mentioned] to discuss attempts to close down satellite TV channels and newspapers because of their opposition...
Egyptian MP Ghāda ʿAjamī and member of the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, expressed her support to Algeria’s decision to ban the full-face veils at work, describing it “a brave decision”.


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