Displaying 291 - 300 of 689.
The Egyptian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release a detained blogger who has been on hunger strike for over a month, Amnesty International said today. The health of twenty-five year-old Maikel Nabil Sanad, who has been on hunger strike since 23 August, has greatly deteriorated...
Several meetings were held between a group of Egyptian educated elite despite their different opinions religious and their beliefs with a number of senior scholars and intellectuals from Al-Azhar. The meeting was held due to an initiative made by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof Dr. Ahmad Al-Tayīb.
A proposed U.S. envoy designated to advocate for the rights of religious minorities in the Middle East is stirring controversy in Egypt, but supporters of the position in Washington say it is not meant to interfere in Egypt’s policies.
Copts opened a side of the Kornish Street which leads to Tahrir square; this side has been closed since the beginning of the protest.
After a long break away from official Egyptian TV, the celebrated Muslim TV Evangelist Amr Khaled is back with his own weekly show, hosting “Bukra Ahla” (Tomorrow is Better), a program whose first episodes have sought to raise hopes and encourage viewers to come up with ideas to rebuild post-...
A number of 100 niqāb-clad women protested in front of Dār al-Iftā' (Iftā' House) on April 29, 2011, for banning women wearing the niqāb from entering the exam rooms. Muftī of the Republic Shaykh 'Alī Jum'ah had issued a fatwá banning niqāb in exam halls, then the Supreme Administrative Court...
The Coptic Orthodox Church has been accused of suppressing anyone who dares to convert to Islam. Both the Muslim and the Christian religious institutions should promote the right of beliefs for every citizen without any bonds. As long as Egyptian Muslims and Christians are living together on...
As Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Christ… Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. He launched a new era, an era of reconciliation and salvation, where the old things are done with and everything becomes new. It is an era in which man is released from retribution, and is consequently able to...
Public Prosecutor ʿAbd al-Majīd Maḥmūd will hear Dr. Maḥmūd Mazrūʿah, Dean of Usūl al-Dīn Faculty of al-Azhar University, on March 27 in a report filed by lawyer Mamdūḥ Ismāʿīl and five other lawyers against Yaḥyā al-Jamāl, Deputy Prime Minister of Egypt.
Why has the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces resorted to salafī shaykhs in reconciliation drives between Copts and Muslims, following sectarian clashes against a background of social disputes? The Council was rather expected to seek the assistance of the Azhar, which advocates moderate Islam as...


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