Date of source: Saturday, January 24, 2004
The assassination of Dutch film producer Theo van Gogh and discussions about the limits of freedom of expression.
Date of source: Monday, April 18, 2005
Shawqī Murqus, went to the civil status department to ask for a national identity card but the department refused to issue it for him under the pretext that he had converted to Islam in 1972. He provided evidence that he had reconverted to Christianity with a ruling of the Clerical Council of the...
Date of source: Sunday, October 3, 2004
Participants of "The first international symposium of Egyptian Copts: A minority under siege.” addressed the symposium on one of three levels. The first expressed wrath at the deterioration in the state of affairs of the Copts throughout the past half – century. On the second level, participants...
Date of source: Wednesday, December 29, 2004
The author responds to a letter of Mr. Geir Valle of Norwegian Church Aid on Christian missionary work. It would benefit Muslim-Christian relations if both Muslims and Christians could see beyond any doubt that a Christian convert to Islam or a Muslim to Christianity was 100% genuine. That may be...
Date of source: Thursday, June 21, 2001
The Supreme Council for the Press started a lawsuit to ban Al-Nabaa. The council condemned publication of improper photographs and threatening society’s values. Some council members expressed their conviction that freedom of the press must be responsible. Mamdouh Mahran testified that he was the...
Date of source: Saturday, March 17, 2001 to Friday, March 23, 2001
A delegation from the American Committee for International Religious Freedom is heading for Cairo to meet with a number of Egyptian officials and representatives from religious institutions. The committee’s spokesman said that the committee’s main task is to monitor religious status in a number of...
Date of source: Wednesday, March 7, 2001
The US State Department of Foreign Affairs issued its 25th report on human rights. It criticized the harsh restrictions imposed on freedom of expression and the press. It mentioned that the Christian minority suffers from discrimination, especially when matters are related to the building and...
Date of source: Monday, January 22, 2001
Dr. Leitch, a Jehovah’s witness, commented on pope Shenouda’s statements on Jehovah Witnesses in Al-Musawwar [RNSAW, 2001, week 01A, art. 13]. He said that Jehovah’s Witnesses appreciate factual information published by the American Jews but they do not influence Jehovah’s Witnesses any more than...
Date of source: Monday, November 27, 2000
Dr. Nasr Abu Zayd delivered this lecture upon accepting the prestigious Cleveringa professorial chair at Leiden University in The Netherlands with the request to teach justice, freedom and responsibility and especially the freedom of religion and liberty of conscience. The lecture discussed the...
Date of source: Sunday, April 26, 1998
This is the full text of the summary published in Watani, April 26, 1998