Date of source: Sunday, January 29, 2012
Polemics are poison to interfaith relations. Unfortunately the salve of dialogue and cooperation often fails to make as wide an impression, leaving wary religious communities under the assumption of mutual opposition. Polemics reduces ambiguity and nuance, allowing the non-specialist citizen to...
Date of source: Sunday, January 15, 2012
Our November 4 review of Prof. Hans Jansen’s article “Copts” in Hoeiboei, on October 14th led Jansen to write that “Most arguments in defence of Islam are known in The Netherlands for what they are, it makes little sense to repeat these another time. With best wishes, Hans Jansen.” [ In Dutch: De...
Date of source: Thursday, December 31, 2009
Brainstorming constitutes a prolific way to record impulsive as well as inspired reflections about very different topics and issues. The recent, improvised meeting at the Marriott Hotel in Cairo on December 18 between Cornelis Hulsman (accompanied by two interns, Mrs. Sayyidah Fu’ād and Mr. Vivien...
Date of source: Thursday, December 31, 2009
This meeting has been conducted under the rubric of linguistics of negotiation and cross-cultural communication. Consequently, Dr. Wajīh has introduced a detailed model that includes the elements and steps of the proposed negotiating strategy required to deal with communication barriers that have...
Date of source: Monday, November 14, 2011
When I saw the report of MEMRI about Egyptian cleric Muḥammad ʿAbdū I was reminded of Tim Cavanaugh’s critique on MEMRI in 2002 that MEMRI does not need to travel very far to cherry-pick offensive comments.
MEMRI presented excerpts from ʿAbdū speaking on al-Ḥikmah TV on September 20, 2011. al-...
Date of source: Friday, November 4, 2011
PVV spokesman for Foreign Affairs, Raymond de Roon, MP for the party of Geert Wilders, published on October 11th a blacklist of “Islamic Violence Against Christians in Egypt in 2011”. This list is a simplified version of what was previously published in (internet) publications in the West—many of...
Date of source: Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Dr. 'Alī Jum'ah, Muftī of the Republic, called on the United Nations and Western countries to support Egyptian development projects.
Date of source: Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Dozens of members from the Muslim Brotherhood group (MB) [and other Islamic movements] gathered in the VIP lounge at the Egyptian Airport on Monday (September 12, 2011) to welcome Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkish prime minister, during his first visit to Egypt after the revolution.
Date of source: Wednesday, September 7, 2011
There is no doubt that what the Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik did was terrorism, viewed by the Arab nations as an ascension of the European ultra-rightist’ groups. A number of extreme Islamists' websites mentioned that Breivik’s website proves his ultra-rightist’ orientation...
Date of source: Friday, July 22, 2011
Anders Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian, has confessed to killing at least 92 people at a youth camp and seven in a bomb attack outside a government building in Oslo, Norway. As Norwegian authorities investigate Breivik's motives, a document and a short video produced by the suspect have...