Date of source: Wednesday, November 6, 2002
The false declarations by American pastor Jerry Falwell against Islam is not a new phenomenon for Western society. Still, there are Western men of religion, like father Jan Landouzy, who express objective opinions towards Islam. It is important that Muslim scholars get acquainted with what...
Date of source: Tuesday, February 12, 2002
Dr. Milad Hanna (77), a much respected Coptic thinker and politician in Egypt who was awarded the UNESCO Simon Bolivar prize for his efforts in intercultural dialogue, was severely attacked by some Coptic activists in the Copts Daily Digest after his visit with Dr. Kamal Abul-Magd to Washington DC...
Date of source: Friday, January 11, 2002
The Islamic Fiqh [jurisprudence] Council issued a statement that condemned terrorism with all its forms and criticized the unjust media campaign against Islam. The statement warned that such campaigns help to evoke the claims of the crusades in the West.
Date of source: Thursday, February 16, 2006
Denmark’s foreign minister calls on Muslims and their leaders around the world to look beyond the big news headlines and the inflammatory rhetoric concerning the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad and points out Denmark’s positive relations with the Arab world.
Date of source: Monday, February 6, 2006
A statement by the Danish Christian NGO, Danmission, pointing out that the NGO dissociated itself from Jyllens-Posten’s cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad as far back as November 2005, and calling for dialogue, rather than conflict.
Date of source: Tuesday, October 25, 2005
The response of Danish newspapers to the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, perceived by Muslims as anti-Islamic.
Date of source: Saturday, August 14, 2004
An unprecedented wave of hate crimes is spreading throughout Europe, particularly in France, targeting Arab and Muslim cemeteries. Attackers have destroyed gravestones and defaced them by drawing swastikas and writing message of hatred. Concerned authorities have not found a clear explanation of...
Date of source: Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Last week, I discovered a bewildering fact about the Muslim community in London.
The Islamic priorities are shown as restricted to establishing a caliphate in England, not complying with the infidel government, boycotting its elections and setting plans for jihad. These are all a bunch of odd ideas...
Date of source: Saturday, May 28, 2005
An Al-ʾAsbū‘ article published on January 31, 2005, reinforces a widespread belief that Americans are trying to use Egypt’s Christians to create a wedge between Muslims and Christians with the purpose of weakening Egypt. The article lacks accuracy but shows Egyptian distrust of US involvement in...
Date of source: Monday, October 28, 2002
Egyptian Cultural TV broadcasted on October 27 a live discussion with Patrick Haenni, social researcher at the CEDEJ in Cairo and Cornelis Hulsman on inter-religious dialogue in a program of Heba Fahmy, “We and the Other.” Much of Egyptian and Western news reporting about the Arab World is not...