Displaying 121 - 130 of 142.
Arabs are continuously receiving information that seems to indicate that the US indeed launched a crusade against the Islamic world. Some of this material originated with Christian leaders and organizations in the US and was misinterpreted in some Arab media. It is dangerous to continue feeding the...
Egyptian authors show a continuous interest in discussions how to improve the Arab image in the West. This article was written on the request of Dr. Hamdi Hassan for Al-Ahram but not published. The article explains how Arabs can work on improving their image. They can do this IF they are realy...
Human rights activist Rā’id al-Sharqāwī disputes claims of the US Copts Association that a priest from al-Zaqāzīq was murdered through a car accident.
U.S. expenditure in 2005, ratified by the Congress few days ago, devoted $19.8 billion for “external operations” with a major portion for winning the hearts and minds of Muslims and Arabs all over the world.
The main conclusion of the report is that anti-Americanism is growing in the world, especially in Egypt and Pakistan. The core of dissatisfaction is US foreign policy, primarily in Muslim countries but also among traditional allies of the US.
Muhammad ‘Abd al-Hādī discusses the history of religious conversion in Egypt.
Text of the official statement.
If anyone would like to see an example of the media of strife, he may take a look at the distorted, fabricated news published by Arabic papers last week. This news is about the statement Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi made at the Egyptian Journalists' Syndicate about the resistance against the Americans...
These days, Arab newspapers are full of commentaries putting the blame on Muslims for terrorism and others practiced self-flagellation and self-hatred to the extent that they claimed the history of Muslims is a history of oppression, tyranny and baseness. No one asks himself whether what is...
I have some remarks about the American report about the Islamic situation [i.e. “Civil Democratic Islam… Partners, Resources, and Strategies”]. This report was not made for philanthropic purposes but at the expense of the US Department of Defense. The report was issued by the National Security...


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