Displaying 1 - 10 of 78.
Grand Muftī of Egypt, Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, said that the spread of violence and terrorism, both in the past and now, has not taken place because of religions, but rather because of deviation from sound religious teachings that call for coexistence, tolerance, and respect for diversity.
Since the call for religious reform until this day, we have not reached agreement about the purpose of this step.
The sacred month of Ramaḍān carries a spiritual essence that ought to inspire not only Arab and Muslim nations, but also the global community, particularly during these challenging times, in order to reflect on our collective priorities as a nation dedicated to promoting values of goodness, virtue...
Intercultural and interreligious dialogue brought Cornelis Hulsman from a conservative Christian Reformed bubble in the Netherlands to a deeply ecumenical attitude, refraining from absolutist statements about faith since any religion is the outcome of a human search for meaning in life.
Grand Muftī Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām said that the development of social, behavioral, and intellectual levels in Islamic societies has changed the patterns of communication within society, and that this includes religious discourse, which is part of the societal discourse in general.
Grand Imām of al-Azhar and leader of the Muslim Council of Elders, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, criticized foreign interference in the internal affairs of countries, particularly Arab countries. He stated that this interference had the aim of turning countries into a flourishing market for arms trade,...
A researcher in political Islam groups’ affairs said that the issue of religious discourse is absent from the National Dialogue. He added that President ͑Abd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī has made successive remarks for the renewal of religious discourse.
The Episcopal/Anglican Church in Egypt organized a conference on the role of religious leaders in preserving the environment as part of the church’s activities in light of the efforts of the Egyptian state to support climate change initiatives.
Dr. ʾIbrāhīm Najm, a senior advisor to Egypt’s Grand Muftī, has reviewed the efforts of the Dar al-Iftāʾ in combating extremism, during a meeting with a delegation from the European Parliament, led by Tomáš Zdechovský. He cited the various initiatives enacted by the Dar al-Iftāʾ to confront...
Dr Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, Grand Imam of al-Azhar al-Sharīf, headed to the Italian capital of Rome in early October to attend the Summit of Religious Leaders for Climate Change under the title (Faith and Science) on the 4thOctober, a prelude to the UN Conference COPE 26 (the 26h UN Climate Change...


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