Displaying 271 - 280 of 932.
On Saturday, al-Azhar issued a fatwa declaring it unlawful to insult the victims of Coronavirus, explaining that those who died from the disease are considered martyrs. al-Azhar Fatwa Global Center said that being infected with the virus is not a sin or a crime. 
Dār al-Iftāʾal-Miṣriyyah confirmed, in a post on its Facebook page, that the reward for a Muslim’s prayer at home for an excuse is the same as the reward for his prayer in the mosque; Prophet (SAW) said: “When a servant of Allah is accustomed to do a good work, then becomes ill or goes on journey,...
The Global Fatwa Index (GFI), affiliated with Dār al-Iftāʾal-Miṣriyyah and the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, presented the top 10 statistics and results on the provisions of celebrating Mother’s Day, by monitoring approximately (2000) fatwas for that occasion issued by...
The problem between Shaykh Abdullah Rushdy [ʿAbdullāh Rushdī] and Dr. Majdī Yaʿqūb presents itself as one of the most dangerous issues facing Islamic thought. It’s the issue of passing judgment on others; on [attempting to] determine whether they will go to heaven or to hell.
Egypt’s Dār al-Iftāʾ published a fatwa on its official Facebook page saying: "Female genital cutting is ḥarām and is a [form of] violence against women #no_to_female_genital_cutting."
In light of the spread of the Coronavirus and fears of it expanding greatly, most of the world’s nations have adopted harsh measures to limit its spread.  These measures were not limited to social or cultural aspects; rather, they have extended to religious rituals as well.  Mosques and churches...
The Egyptian Minister of Endowments [al-Awqāf] caused controversy after claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to spread the Coronavirus among members of the military, the police, the judiciary, and the media. 
Dr. Khālid ʿUmrān, Secretary-General of Fatwa at Dār al-Iftāʾ al-Miṣriyyah, said that the practice of female circumcision, which has caused great harm in Egypt and other Arab and African countries, is religiously prohibited (ḥarām), and whoever commits this crime is guilty for the damages and...
On Monday, Egypt held an international conference organized by al-Azhar entitled “al-Azhar’s International Conference for the Renewal of Islamic Thought.”  Senior leaders and prominent political and religious figures from all over the world participated in the conference as well different...
The subject of women and their position in Islam still arouses intellectual, legal, and political controversy in different places of stability around the world.   Accusations against Islam and Islamists of regarding women as weak and degrading them still remain.  ʿArabī 21 is opening a portfolio...


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