Displaying 311 - 320 of 932.
Former prisoners belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic organizations report that the "Independent Youth Initiative,” an old initiative which was resurrected a few days ago, is a familiar tactic used in prisons to drive a wedge between the leadership of Muslim Brotherhood and the...
The people of Harbit village in Sharqiya governorate held a reconciliation meeting with the son of Ismaīl Shihātah, the Shi’ite leader, who was killed in Abū Nimris last month, and his Salafī neighbor. The Salafī groups in the city denied that the brawls had any relation to religious doctrines (...
British Prime Minister, David Cameron, stated yesterday that the U.K. intends to classify “Islamic extremism” as an ideology that is distinct from Islam as a heavenly religion. This comes in the context of the government’s response to the killing of a British soldier on the street in the U.K. (‘Abd...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III sent a congratulatory cable to Prime Minister Kamāl al-Janzūrī in which he expressed good wishes for him in his mission as head of a salvation government. [Yūsuf Rāmiz, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, Dec. 9, p. 3] Read original text in Arabic
With deep shock and disbelief, the world was taken aback by the brutal and gruesome act of terror that claimed the lives of more than 49 Muslim worshipers in New Zealand. Our sincere thoughts and prayers go out to their families and loved ones affected by this dreadful tragedy.
Muslim scholars, during a symposium on the media’s role in the society, appealed to the mass media to observe accuracy, objectives and Islamic values established by the Prophet Muhammad more than 1400 years ago so the nation may rise up and find its way out of its predicament. [Ahmad ‘Abd al-...
Dar-Alifta Al-Misrriyah (Dār al-Iftā’ or Ifta House) reported that 471,808 fatwás were issued in 2012.
Mehmet Görmez, head of Presidency of Religious Affairs, the highest Islamic authority in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, said that celebrations of Christmas and New Year is idolatry and heretic. 
The civil state proponents achieved a remarkable victory inside the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt, successfully obtaining the abolition of several articles that clash with the principles of citizenship and equality.
Participants in “promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice” conference that took place in Saudi Arabia on December 9 called for establishing associations to promote virtue and prevent vice in all the Islamic world. They added that Islamic countries can benefit from Saudi Arabia in this regard.


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