Displaying 351 - 360 of 932.
‘Alī Jum’ah stressed that a marriage remains halāl even if there is no written contract as long as all conditions are fulfilled according to sharī’ah. Accordingly, marriages on social network sites; Qur’anic marriages; marriages using tattoos, sand, text messages, stamps, cassettes, or the giving...
The Azhar and Dār al Iftā’ denounced the terrorist explosions that took place in Cairo and Sinai.
Al-Waily Misdemeanor Appeals court has ruled to punish Ahmad Muhammad Abd Allah, more known as Abu Islam, with jail for 6 months in the second lawsuit presented by Najuīb Jubrā’il, accusing him of contempt of religion. 
The state of Brunei announced that it will implement Islamic Sharī’ah temporarily in the country starting from Sunday. 
Al- Da’wah al- Salafiah in Faiyum has criticized what it called as an Iranian “Savafid project” in the region.
Leaders in the Nūr party confessed to having contacts with former NDP members in order to convince them to put their names on the Nūr electoral lists.
Minister of Endowments Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah stated that the Islamic Research Institute in the Azhar has assured that it rejects all forms of extremism and terrorism. 
Dr. ‘Abāss Shūmān, Deputy of the Azhar, stated that the Azharite education will witness a development with the development of the Azharite syllabi.
Dr. Ahmad al- Tayyīb, Shaykh of the Azhar, has met with a group of Azhar professors and Endowment preachers.
The conflict between Salafīs has escalated in intensity to the extent of making accusations of treason. 


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