Displaying 391 - 400 of 932.
The fatwá of Dr. Yāssir al- Burhāmī, the vice president of the Da’wah al- Salafiah has stirred a debate about the “divorce of a drunk man.”
The Minister of Endowments Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah assured of the need to revise the Azharite syllabi as well as the laws and regulations. 
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia revealed in a statement of its embassy yesterday that all Qur’ān copies of the King Fahd Complex are correct
 The Minster of Endowments Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah stated that mosques will not be part of the coming elections and that he shall not allow a single Salafī to give sermons.
Eng. Salāh Abd al- Ma’būd member of the Nūr Party high board  stated that there is no place for the lists of the party for members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
A revision of  the Muslim Brotherhood ideas is a topic that has emerged in media recently.
Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abd al- Rāziq, the head of the religious sector in the Ministry of Endowments stated that the Ministry will hold examinations and interviews to all of those who applied from the Da’wah al- Salafiah.
The National Alliance in Support of Legitimacy called for a partial strike on the 30th of August.
 The Office of the Chief Justice in Palestine has forbidden divorce in the month of Ramadan, unless circumstances deem it absolutely necessary. 
 Ramadan lanterns are an important part of Islamic culture, and have been so for centuries. Nowadays, however, most of them are imported at a much cheaper price from China and Hong Kong. Despite the 10% price increase due to the increased cost of the dollar and the impact this has on imports,...


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