Displaying 401 - 410 of 932.
 The Ministry of Endowments agreed with Dār al- Iftā yesterday to form a joint committee that include members of the Ministry and the Dār and all the agencies of the Azhar in order to respond to religious allegations and doubts
The Dār al- Ifta’ warned yesterday against extremist fatwás (religious decrees) that call members of the security forces infidels and prohibited prayer for those members of the security forces who die in attacks on them (Wā’il Fāyyiz, al- Watan, Feb. 2, p. 1). Read original text in Arabic.   
The Ministry of Endowments assured that there is no desire to cancel the Iʿtikāf practice (a retreat in a mosque for a certain number of days) in the ten last days of Ramadan.
In celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muḥammad organized by the Ministry of Endowments [Awqāf] last Monday, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib delivered a speech that clearly manifested that the war launched against the Quranists has not ended yet. Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib attacked the...
Fuād Bin Khalīf, head of the Belgium Muslim Rights Council, stated that a veiled woman was stopped from entering a polling station last Sunday.
The Gaurdian newspaper has decided to publish ads that are said to be funded by the Muslim Brotherhood, requesting David Cameron, British Prime Minister, to cancel the investigations that he ordered of the activities of the organization. 
Anonymous sources stated that the Muslim Brotherhood sent a letter to the Government of the UK, which was published by British newspapers.
Several British banks have frozen over 300 leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood’s bank accounts.
Famous journalist and TV personality, Ibrahīm ‘Issá, declared in his program Madraset al-Moshaghbīn that there is nothing in the Islamic doctrine called ‘torment of the grave.’
Sources have revealed to al-Tahrīr newspaper that a meeting is to be held within the next 48 hours between prominent sheikhs in the Salafī organization and leaders within the Ministry of Endowments.


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