Displaying 601 - 610 of 932.
On Wednesday, March 30, 2011, a group of salafists destroyed five shrines in Qalyūb, arguing that visits to shrines was an act of apostasy and against Islam. Two of the attackers have now been arrested by security forces.
Following his dispute with the governorate of Minia over the construction of a new Cathedral, Bishop Aghathon declined to attend a meeting called for by the governor and renewed his threat to stage a protest in front of 'Abāsīyah Cathedral in Cairo. He also confirmed that his steps are supported by...
During the revolution the Muslim Brotherhood, which was banned under the ex-regime, got on well with the young people, just as they listened to other political activists. The group gained more respect when they announced that hey won't be running in the presidential elections. In the meantime, they...
How can the perceived threat of Islamists be blunted? They should be encouraged to integrate themselves. At the same time they should be convinced of the need to espouse the principles of citizenship and equal rights for all – rules already enshrined in Islam. Meanwhile parties should not be...
Edward Cody, writer in the Washington Post, writes that the biggest winners of the [January] 25 revolution are the Salafists. He described them as Islamic fundamentalists who would like to see the strictest form of Islam applied to all of Egypt and across the Middle East.  
Grand Sheikh of the Azhar Ahmad al-Tayīb said no one can impose on Muslims anything that runs counter to their faith, adding the issue of homosexuality should not fall within the concepts of freedom.
  In an attempt to calm the escalating events of 'Ātfīh, the Ministry of Awqaf (endowments) decided to unify Friday sermons around the subject of national unity. Pope Shenouda returned to Egypt after a health treatment visit to the United States. He asked both [Christians and Muslims] religions...
Friday preachers from different Cairo mosques focused yesterday on the events of fitnah of 'Ātfīh which Egypt's been witnessing lately. The preachers stressed the duty to protect Christians and their worship places as directed by Islamic sharī'ah. In al-Rushdān mosque in Nasr City, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah...
The recent revolution has led to many new parties being formed and established parties being reorganized, including several Islamist groups. The Muslim Brotherhood is the group expected to dominate future Egyptian politics. They are now trying to cast off their image of being radicals. Other...
Rockstar and peace activist Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) has created a new song "My People" dedicated to the people of Egypt. In Riz Khans program on Al Jazeera he talked about the role of music in the present wave of change. The song will be freely available from his website www.yusufislam....


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