Displaying 31 - 40 of 161.
As al-Azhar and the Council of Senior Scholars escalate their opposition to a bill regulating the Dār al-Ifṭā’, Shaykh of al-Azhār Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib announced on Saturday that he had put in a request with the head of Parliament, ʿAlī ʿAbd al-ʿĀl, to attend the Monday plenary session, which will be...
Sources revealed that the Ministry of Endowments [al-Awqāf] handed over the file of Shaykh Aḥmad Hammām, preacher at the Endowment Directorate in Alexandria, to administrative prosecution to investigate him for violations. He is reported to have supported the killing of those who insult the Prophet...
In this article, the author discusses French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent statements about Islam in relation to France’s treatment of its Muslim and immigrant population.  He writes the following:
Statements by ʿAbd Allāh Rushdī, an Egyptian researcher, imām, and preacher at al-Sayiddah Nafīssah Mosque, about marrying female captives and having sex with them is causing a flurry of backlash.  When he was asked on Twitter about owning a female slave and having sex with her, he said, “She is a...
When asked by one of his followers about the reason behind the rapes of women during Islamic wars, Shaykh ‘Abd Allāh Rushdī replied “these are human beings and they have needs,” going on to explain that these needs could not be considered shameful as long as the woman has consented to the sexual...
  Eng. Khayrat al-Shātir, deputy of the MB’s murshid (Guide), said that Egyptian youth are affected by the Western ideologies and culture and are moving far from the Islamic model.
Mehmet Görmez, head of Presidency of Religious Affairs, the highest Islamic authority in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, said that celebrations of Christmas and New Year is idolatry and heretic. 
Vice president of the Salafī Call, Dr. Yāsir Burhāmī, released a fatwá that forbids demonstrations to call for a reappointment of ousted Muhammad Morsi at the moment to prevent bloodshed and chaos. Burhāmī said on his website, “Salafī Voice,” that all demonstrations for the ousted president that...
Shaykh Muhammad Hasān, an Islamic preacher, sees no problem in teaching the Bible in schools, saying that Christian children should not be confused with their faiths or their identities. 
Al-Qaeda Organization in Iraq and the Levant called upon the Muslim Brotherhood to raise arms against the state and forcefully apply Islamic sharī’ah.    


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