Displaying 1111 - 1120 of 1275.
The news of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were the talk of the day in Egypt. I have not interviewed any people but just took notes when people were speaking about the attacks. These notes are given here.
Spokesman of the legally banned Muslim Brotherhood and member of the Irshād [guidance] Office, ‘Isām al-‘Iryān, claims that the former minister of education, Husayn Kāmil Bahā’ al-Dīn has praised the Brotherhood’s efforts to reach out to the Egyptian public and has encouraged the group to maintain...
The author responds to the Muslim Brotherhood’s vision on the relationship between politics and religion.
An article about the Muslim Brotherhood’s intent to establish a state that has a religious, and not civil nature, and the attitude of the Muslim Brotherhood towards the Copts.
The Egyptian authorities have started a large-scale arrest campaign against members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, but the reasons for the detentions remain unclear to most observers.
Fathī Mahmoud discusses the sectarian fitna in Iraq, stating that in an attempt to ensure such violence does not spread to Lebanon’s Sunni and Shi’ite communities, the Islamic authorities there have called for unity.
The article reports on the launch of the first campaign of its kind by Egyptian intellectuals to set up a secular grassroots movement. Supporters of this movement have accused political parties of failing to take any positive stands against the escalation of religious fundamentalism.
The fifteen Saudis, who were among the nineteen perpetrators of the attacks of September 11, produced a number of transformations in Saudi Arabia. They even became the subject of a series of American questions, which later turned to Saudi ones. From where did they come? What did they learn? How...
The author discusses relations between the U.S. and Islamic groups in the light of the conference held in Kuwait under the title: "Islamic Groups and Political Reformation." The conference was supervised by American Karangi Institute for Peace. He believes American research centers try to encircle...
The slogan which the takfīr-based groups were raising is “Kill and you will be rewarded…kill an unbeliever and you will go to paradise.” At one point, the kufār [infidels] were said to be the country's leaders and senior officials, another time they were the police officers and soldiers, tourists...


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