Displaying 111 - 120 of 378.
The Anglican Episcopal Church held an Easter mass service which was led by the church’s archbishop, Dr. Sāmī Fawzī. In the service, various prayers of intercession were offered in which the congregation prayed for an end to the conflict in Ukraine and other countries going through crises, as well...
Al-Azhar has launched an initiative under the title ‘Revival’ for the last ten days of Ramaḍān to welcome Muslims coming to the al-Azhar mosque during this time. The initiative is being conducted under the leadership of Grand Imām Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, and aims to educate thousands of worshippers...
On Sunday, April 9th, the Coptic Orthodox Church celebrated the beginning of Holy Week, as churches were decorated with palm fronds, roses, and olive branches. It is an annual tradition at which the children rejoice and make shapes from palm fronds to celebrate the entry of Christ as king into...
The city of Luxor in southern Egypt has become a paradigm of amity between Muslims and Copts during the holy month of Ramaḍān after Rūmānī Ramzī ʿAjāybī and his son Bīshūy hosted the largest māʾidat al-raḥman (charitable ifṭār) for their Muslims neighbors in Egypt. The father and son provide this...
The holy fasting month of Ramaḍān is an important time for Chadian Muslims who make up more than 80% of their country’s total population. During this month charitable activities become increasingly prominent. Muslims spend the majority of their time at mosques for prayers and Qurʾān recitation, and...
The Catholic Center for Studies and Media offered a message of congratulations to Muslim brothers and sisters across the world on the advent of the holy fasting month of Ramaḍān. This message is sent annually by the Vatican’s Roman Catholic Church via the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue.
During a weekly sermon on Wednesday at the Saint Mark Cathedral in al-ʿAbbāsīya, Pope Tawāḍrūs of the Coptic Orthodox Church offered his congratulations to Muslims over the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramaḍān.
Diabetics are among those who must carefully monitor both their illness and lifestyle throughout Ramaḍān, due to the possibility of the hours of fasting having a dramatic effect on them.
The al-Azhar Global Fatwa Center has announced its plan for the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramaḍān, which consists of the following 10 components:
The Egyptian Ministry of Awqāf (charitable endowments) recently announced that they have begun to receive applications for a number of vacancies for imāms and mosque caretakers. This comes almost a month after it announced the need to fill the posts, in what appears to be surrender to the status...


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