Displaying 251 - 260 of 378.
Over 25 years ago, Jasmine learned from her grandmother the telli-craft and took it, after she became adult, as a profession. She has a workshop of dozens of girls, girls' training centers, and her own production in the country and abroad. The pieces she sells in touristic areas are...
Under the theme “We are all with you” the Goethe-Institute, in collaboration with the “ʿAyn al-Samaka” cinematic cultural initiative, will host its event tomorrow, in Cairo at 5 pm.  
During a concert organized by the Association for Wives of the Arab Ambassadors in Germany, the First Lady of Germany Elke Büdenbender expressed her appreciation of the role played by Egyptian and Arab women. 
The Coptic community in Egypt is in turmoil following repeated cases of violence and killings inside houses of worship. More recently, the assassination of Reverend Father Maqār Saʿad—Bishop of St. Mark Coptic orthodox church in Shubrā al-Khaymah, central Cairo—by a church guard has revived debate...
The first Coptic Tunes and Hymns Festival will be held on Tuesday, 30 April, under the title “Symphony” at Anbā Ruways Theater in St. Mark Cathedral of ‘Abbāssiyya.
In late May this year, the Christian Orthodox families will participate in the first joint ecclesiastical conference in Egypt under the slogan “Love” and under the auspices of Pope Tawāḍrūs II.
On Tuesday the Coptic Orthodox Church celebrated the 51th anniversary of the Virgin Mary's appearance, according to Christian belief, on the domes of the church that bears her name in the al-Zaytūn area of Cairo.
Preface by Cornelis Hulsman: In 1997 I started making press overviews on issues related to Muslim-Christian relations and founded the Religious News Service from the Arab World which later was renamed Arab-West Report. Between June 13, 1997 and July 11, 1998 I collected articles from al-Muslimoon...
Mehmet Görmez, head of Presidency of Religious Affairs, the highest Islamic authority in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, said that celebrations of Christmas and New Year is idolatry and heretic. 
All three heavenly faiths – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – agree that the Prophet Abraham is their father and all agree that Abraham’s faith was tested to the utmost level when was ordered to slay his own son.


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