Displaying 111 - 120 of 752.
A tragic scene emerged from the Mamluk [al-Mamālīk] Cemetery after the demolition of dozens of tombs to make way for the Paradise [al-Firdaws] Axis [a highway project to connect al-Firdaws Square on Ṣalāḥ Sālim Street to al-Mushīr Axis].  Pictures and videos circulating on social media show...
In an interview with the program “The 9th” on Egyptian Channel One, Dr. Aḥmad Karīma, professor of Islamic law [sharīʿah] and comparative jurisprudence [fiqh] at al-Azhar University, said that it is prohibited to take up hostile acts against religious places of worship for Jews and Christians [ahl...
Hostile news channels are attempting to propagate lies and biased rumours to destabilise Egypt and return it to the scenario of 2011.
Al-Yawm al-Sābiʿ outlines the press conference held by Saudi Arabia to announce the details of the Hajj [Ḥajj] pilgrimage season this year.
Seven years have passed since the 30th of June Revolution when the military responded to the desire of millions of Egyptians, who filled the squares, to take down the extremist regime that did not hesitate to “burn down Egypt” to achieve its interests.  Before the revolution, no one was spared from...
Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Mark, has approved the official logo which will be used in banners and other publicity material for the ‘Revival of the Holy Family’s Journey in Egypt’ project, in light of the efforts made to cover the 25 sites of the path between...
The Observatory of Takfiri Fatwas and Extremist Views affiliated with the Dār al-Iftāʾ of Egypt praised the operation that targeted and eliminated a terrorist nest in al-Amīrriyya neighborhood of Cairo. It added that Egypt has a security apparatus working at the highest professional standards,...
From the first moment of the novel Coronavirus’s outbreak inside Egypt, Pope Tawāḍrūs II issued a number of decisions including the stop of Holy Week and Easter prayers to protect worshipers from getting the virus.  However, the Facebook page Faith Protectors Association launched attacks and openly...
Father Būlus Ḥalīm, spokesperson for the Coptic Orthodox Church, revealed the details of a church announcement to extend church closures and the cancellation of prayers for Holy Week and of Easter masses. He clarified that the measures would be carried out at all churches and in all parishes,...
The general coordinator for the Path of the Holy Family Project and the general manager of international relations and strategic planning at the government-affiliated Tourism Development Authority in the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, ʿĀdil al-Jindī, emphasised the importance to connect the...


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