Displaying 321 - 330 of 763.
Bishop Pochamius, bishop of Beheira and Matruh, stated that the referendum to be held on the 14 and 15th of January is a continuation of the June 30 Revolution.  He asked the people to give a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum (Author not mentioned, al-Watan, Jan. 8, p. 4).
Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Diocese of St. Mark, will preside over the Mass of the Easter Feast tomorrow evening. The Pope will also welcome the guests congratulating his Holiness after tomorrow at the papal Seat of the Cathedral of St. Mark, al-ʿAbbasiyah.
Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of St. Mark, revealed the commencement of the procedures for the establishment of an Egyptian church in Bahrain to serve Coptic Egyptians there.
Dr. Muḥammad Mūkhtār Jumʿah, the Minister of Awqaf, said that he Ministry will publish a book in the few coming weeks under the title “The protection of churches in Islam”, which was prepared by a group of specialized scholars. 
Munīr Hannā Anīs was born in Egypt in 1950. As a Christian authority in a Muslim country, Bishop Munīr is widely experienced in interfaith relations. He strives for good Muslim-Christian relations, and advocates dialogue between different religious communities. In Egypt, Christian Arabs have lived...
Bishop Michael was born in 1949 in Karachi, Pakistan. He had both a Christian and Muslim family background. Bishop Michael was the first non-white senior bishop in the Church of England on his appointment. There were issues raised about him having a leading role in the church and worries over the...
Bishop Marqus is Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Shubrā al-Khaymah, Cairo since 1978. On more than one occasion, Bishop Marqus has rejected Coptic activists' allegations that Copts in Egypt are persecuted by the Egyptian government or by Muslims in general. The Bishop said that foreign...
David D. Grafton is a Lutheran pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and a scholar of both Christianity and Islam. As a scholar Dr. Grafton is explicitly involved in interfaith relations as a graduate of Christian theology and a professor of Islamic Studies. While serving as pastor...
Cornelis Hulsman; a Dutch scholar on Arab-West relations and Editor-in-Chief of Arab-West Report first visited Egypt in 1975. Hulsman's line of work is primarily linked to Christian-Muslim relations and he strongly believes that religious issues and relations are an important element of...
Father van Nispen is a Jesuit priest, who is strongly involved in relationships with Islam. In the beginning of his priesthood he chose 'The service of reconciliation' to be his motto. In an interview with Egyptian Al-Ahram Weekly on December 31, 1998, he clarified: "My interpretation of the term...


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