Displaying 541 - 550 of 717.
Egyptians against Religious Discrimination have released a statement which claims that the ruling against Christian twins Andrew and Mario is a form of discrimination.
In Iraq, the persecution of Christians continues and many Christian families are leaving Mosul for Baghdad while there are estimates that a third of the Christian population has left the country.
The establishment of the European Union of Coptic Organizations for Human Rights held a conference on November 8, 2008 in Paris to focus on Copts issues and problems in Egypt and put it in the international limelight. The following lines introduce the conference and shed light on the different...
The article reviews a bill proposed by Mona ZulFaqqar, a member of the National Council for Human Rights, which aims to ban discrimination in the workplace and ensure equal access to employment opportunities in employment in Egypt.
The article provides background information on the Abū Fānā Monastery crisis, stating that a settlement was reached when the Coptic Church agreed to give up some of the land for peace and a fencing wall to protect the remaining land. The article then relates how Minya officials have gone back on...
In his monthly round-up of the Egyptian press this month, Robert al-Faris mentions that Watanī was the only paper to mention a two-month course that Tanta university is running in Coptic studies. He also lamented a comment made by Abu Treika, one of the country’s favorite football players, about...
Sanā’ al-Sa‘īd interviews Pope Shenouda.
The bill for a unified law for building places of worship is still waiting idly to be placed on parliament’s agenda once the parliamentary recess is over. Several Members of Parliament discuss their views.
A press conference to explain Abū Fānā has been postponed until mid-August when Bishop Demetrius will have returned from the U.S where he is visiting Pope Shenouda.
The author analyses the Abu-Fana attack and its effects on Egyptian society.


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