Displaying 351 - 360 of 1154.
Sawsan Jabrah Ayyūb Khalīl (Sawsan Gabra) was born in 1963 in Alexandria, Egypt. Jabrah became involved in intercultural and interfaith dialogue when she returned to Egypt with her husband and co-founder of Arab-West Report (founded in 1997); Cornelis Hulsman. Gabra is Coptic Orthodox. She actively...
The Church of Qasr al-Dūbārah celebrated Christmas the day before yesterday, as Revered Sāmih Morris, pastor of the church, apologized for the high level of security, saying this was in anticipation of ‘any explosion that might target the church and its occupants during the celebrations’. 
Munīr Ḥannā Anīs was born in Egypt in 1950 and holds the title Bishop of the Episcopal (Anglican) Church of Egypt, North Africa and the Horn of Africa (since 2000). As a Christian authority in a Muslim country, Bishop Munīr is widely experienced in interfaith relations. He strives for good Muslim-...
This investigation sheds light on the controversry regarding the real target behind the Coptic organizations. Is it really charity work to help the Egyptians or a way to convert Muslims to Christianity?     
Munīr Hannā Anīs was born in Egypt in 1950. As a Christian authority in a Muslim country, Bishop Munīr is widely experienced in interfaith relations. He strives for good Muslim-Christian relations, and advocates dialogue between different religious communities. In Egypt, Christian Arabs have lived...
Muṣṭafā al-Fiqī was born in al-Beḥīrah governorate in November 1944. In 2005, al-Fiqī defended the amendment that was proposed by President Ḥusnā Mubārak to article 67 of the Egyptian constitution. The amendment, which was approved in a public referendum, allows multi-candidate presidential...
Coptic activist Mīlād Ḥannā was born in June 1924 and is the co-founder of the left-wing opposition party al-Tajammuʿ Party. Ḥannā said that he could have easily been a minister if he had chosen to do some lip-service to President Mubārak; however, the fact that he has criticized the government on...
Michael Munīr was born in 1968 in Egypt in Abu Qurqas near Minia to a Coptic Catholic family even though he today considers himself Coptic Orthodox. Munīr refers to his life in Egypt as a member of an oppressed Christian minority without religious freedom, citing this as his reason to emigrate to...
Bishop Marqus is Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Shubrā al-Khaymah, Cairo since 1978. On more than one occasion, Bishop Marqus has rejected Coptic activists' allegations that Copts in Egypt are persecuted by the Egyptian government or by Muslims in general. The Bishop said that foreign...
Muhammad Ibrāhīm, Minister of the Interior, sent messages of felicitation to Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria, to Safwat al-Bayādī, head of the Evangelical Community in Egypt, and to employees of the Ministry of the Interior, to mark the celebration of Christmas. Ibrāhīm stated ‘As our Christian...


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