Displaying 361 - 363 of 363.
The press release criticizes the two previous Al Ahram articles and calls Hulsman "a double agent for the Egyptian government" who is afraid of being expelled from Egypt. The press release believes the letter Nafaa referred to in his article is a fabrication. They are upset because the Nafaa’s...
Finding out the truth is not easy but the extremely inaccurate and highly sensational way The Sunday Telegraph has, in its article of Sunday October 25, 1998, reported about Christians in Egypt ["Egyptian police ’crucify’ and rape Christians" by Christina Lamb] certainly doesn’t help the reader to...
Dr. Nasr Abu Zaid responded to the interview with Dr. Sayed El-Qimni in El-Arabi of March 16 and translated in the RNSAW of March 15-22.


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