Displaying 101 - 110 of 225.
Dozens of Egyptian activists resumed their protest outside the Israeli embassy, in Giza, for the fifth day in a row, calling for the Israeli ambassador to be ordered out of Egypt, and two Egyptian lawyers have filed a lawsuit to force the Supreme Court of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to withdraw the...
In a seminar in Alexandria, Zāhī Hawwās, the head of the National Council for Antiquities stressed that restoration of Jewish antiquities in Egypt has nothing to do with Israel, asserting that the Jewish antiquities are part of the Egyptian heritage.   Hawwās rejected the anger of some Copts at...
Security forces in al-Beheira arrested thirty protestors who were demonstrating against the Israeli celebration of Jewish Egyptian rabbi Abu Hasīrah. The Muslim Brotherhood, National Front for Change, and various bloggers against Abū Hasīrah called for a protest in front of the court academy in...
Advisor to the Azhar Grand Shaykh, Dr. Mahmūd ‘Azab, tells al-Dustūr that the Azhar Center for Dialogue welcomed relations with all religions, including all different sects of Islam, in order to work towards unifying the Islamic discourse and to correct any misconceptions about the religion. He...
At the same time many Egyptians were protesting the celebration of Jewish Egyptian rabbi Abū Hasīrah in the delta region, many Jews are preparing themselves for the celebration of another Jewish figure with connections to Egypt. Jews celebrate the birth of Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon), who died in...
Thousands of Jews are traveling this week to a tiny village in the Beheira governate on the Nile Delta in order to visit a 200 year-old shrine to Abū Hasīrah, a Jewish Egyptian rabbi. Some residents of the village protest the event, saying that Israelis shouldn’t be allowed to enter Egypt while...
The author declares that Israeli military radio broadcasting has criticized the decision to both fine and incarcerate for three years the head of the Jewish Community in Egypt, Carmen Weinstein. He also references the position of Jackie Hogi, the editor of Arabic affairs in Israeli radio...
November 20th sees the first appeal hearing in a lawsuit by businessman Nabīl Badī‘ Bishāy, who accuses Carmen Weinstein, the head of the Jewish community in Egypt, of fraud. Weinstein allegedly sold him a building owned by the Jewish community while claiming it to be her own. Key Words: Carmen...
        AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman critiques a review of Martin Gilbert's In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands....
On April 8 Tariq Ramadan delivered his first public address in the U.S. since the Bush administration revoked his visa in 2004. Ramadan in known for his ability to speak favorably to both leftists and Islamists. However some have derided Ramadan as much more radical than he initially appears. Other...


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