Displaying 111 - 120 of 229.
The author declares that Israeli military radio broadcasting has criticized the decision to both fine and incarcerate for three years the head of the Jewish Community in Egypt, Carmen Weinstein. He also references the position of Jackie Hogi, the editor of Arabic affairs in Israeli radio...
November 20th sees the first appeal hearing in a lawsuit by businessman Nabīl Badī‘ Bishāy, who accuses Carmen Weinstein, the head of the Jewish community in Egypt, of fraud. Weinstein allegedly sold him a building owned by the Jewish community while claiming it to be her own. Key Words: Carmen...
        AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman critiques a review of Martin Gilbert's In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands....
On April 8 Tariq Ramadan delivered his first public address in the U.S. since the Bush administration revoked his visa in 2004. Ramadan in known for his ability to speak favorably to both leftists and Islamists. However some have derided Ramadan as much more radical than he initially appears. Other...
Al-Misrī al-Yawm writes about the Jewish presence in Egypt.
The article deals with decision of the Administrative Court refusal to allow Jehovah's Witnesses from practicing their rituals in Egypt.
 A former member of Jehovah's witnesses reveals some of the secrets about the organization to Sawt al-Umah.  
Al-Yawm al-Sābi‘ interviews Lt. Muhammad Sha‘rāwī, Governor of Beheira
The author comments on a book by some writers who provide different facts concerning the concept of “the other”.
The author blames the muftī for permitting a fatwá to be issued about polygamy being permitted in Judaism and Christianity. He believes that such a subject should not be discussed in an atmosphere of sectarian troubles.


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