Displaying 131 - 140 of 219.
Nabīl Zakī, the author, says that the U.S. as well as Israel have been exploiting religion in serving their colonial policies in Palestine.
The article reports on a report published by the U.S.-based America in Arabic news agency about a U.S.-Jewish delegation meeting with the minister of culture to discuss the establishment of a Jewish museum in Cairo to narrate the history of Jews in Egypt.
An extremist trend which calls for the alliance between Christianity and Judaism has gained tremendous influence in the United States.
In his expected visit to Ethiopia, Pope Shenouda will not discuss the case of al-Sulṭān Monastery, as some of the Coptic Orthodox clergymen asserted. The pope’s expected visit is a step to bridge the gap and re-establish the friendly relations between the two churches.
Dr. Wasīm al-Sīsī believes that Egyptians are more likely to be the chosen people of God than Jews as they have the long-standing civilization, sciences, and ethics that Jews lack. He also believes that Jews have stolen the heroic stories of the Pharaonic kings and wrongfully recorded them in their...
John H. Watson highlights an exhibition at the British Library that showcases ancient holy books from Jewish, Christian, and Islamic sources.
Egyptian literature has witnessed several religious debates. The article presents an example of these debates and sheds light on the first novel on the human values of the Crucifixion, written by a Muslim Egyptian entitled, ‘Qariyah Zālimah’ [Unjust Village].
The author discusses the knighthood being awarded to Salman Rushdie, author of “The Satanic Verses.” This action has again fuelled tensions between the Arab world and the West. The author comments on the situation, and questions where this animosity really originates.
Professor Larry Levine’s response to the article ‘Superstitions of the Talmud’ authored by Muhammad ‘Abbūd. Levine comments on the misperceptions in the original article, and provides clarification behind some Jewish traditions and stories in the Talmud.
Zionism is attempting to destroy and blackmail Egyptian free press. I am saying so because of the hot battle that flared up between American Zionist organizations and myself. The cause of this battle is the article I wrote in Al-Liwaa Al-Islami about “The lie of the Holocaust.” American Zionist...


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