Displaying 81 - 90 of 99.
The Wafd article is a serious distortion of the CIDI report on anti-Semitism and the press release of June 13. Many claims are highly exaggerated. AWR summarized the CIDI report, compared this with the article in the Wafd and provided some comments on the CIDI report.
The author compares between the reactions to criticizing Jews and abusing the belief of Muslims in view of the reactions given to the statements of American General William Boykin and the Malaysian prime minister about Islam and the Jews. The first stated that Muslims worship idols and his...
A study by Dr. Osama El-Baz, the chief political advisor to President Hosni Mubarak, on anti-Semitism. He recounts the history of the term and explain the difference between "anti-Jewish" and "anti-Semitic" sentiments. He believes that Arab and Islamic proponents of anti-Semitism purvey shoddy...
The Nov. 15 editorial "Galloping Anti-Semitism" criticized Egypt for not censoring a television series that The Post found objectionable. But freedom of expression means broadcasting all points of view, even the most regrettable. The editorial portrayed the series, "Horseman Without a Horse," as...
“A Knight Without a Horse” is strongly Egyptian nationalistic, a sentiment that fits well with the current sentiment of nationalism in Egypt. The anti-semitic “protocols of the Elders of Zion” are not the only source but one of the sources used for this film.
A press review of attitudes to the Muslim Brotherhood and its role in the new parliament, criticism that the group is putting party politics over the Egyptian people, and statements by leading figures in the group questioning the Holocaust.
I woke up one morning to find out that I was accused of anti-Semitism, that is to say, accused of being anti-Israel. This happened because I dared to search and write an article titled The Lie about the Burning of the Jews in the Islamic weekly Al-Liwaa Al-Islami. It has been more than two months...
The World Jewish Congress (WJC) considered the year 2004 as the cruelest in the history of anti-Semitism, pointing out that Muslims were the main reason behind the continued and escalating tone of anti-Semitism worldwide.
The Jewish lobby lately has been able to accuse all critics of Israel’s policy in the West of being anti-Semitic. This has reached the point of madness. Anyone who opposes the opinion of Jews and even the policy of the Sharon government is considered anti-Semitic even if he or she is a Christian or...
The Arab-American Committee Against Discrimination in the U.S. protested Webster’s Dictionary altering the meaning of “anti-Semitism” in its new edition. The “anti-Semitism” entry in the dictionary designates anyone who is against Israel and sympathizes with its enemies as anti-Semitic.


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