Displaying 261 - 265 of 265.
No for the pagan adoption; yes for Islamic custody. A Coptic priest believes adoption to be a pagan creation inherited from Byzantine law. Islam replaces adoption with custody to protect family relationships and the holiness of matrimony. Adoption has infiltrated western societies which renounced...
After the passage of more than 20 years since the first attempt at issuing a unified Personal Status Law binding all Christian denominations, an agreement has finally been reached in the last couple of days. Rose al-Yūsif obtained the full text of the Personal Status Law for the Copts and describes...
His Holiness Pope Shinūdā III the heads and representatives of Christian churches in Egypt to endorse the "Unified Personal Status Bill" before its submission by His Holiness to the Minister of Justice for consideration.
3,000 Sunni Muslims protest a civil marriage bill passed by the cabinet.
A new law allows the courts to hear cases related to Orfi-marriage, a form of marriage not recognized until now by the official authorities.


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