Displaying 201 - 206 of 206.
[Father Abd Al-Sayyid is the Pastor of Mari Girgis church in Hadayik Al-Maadi] The curse of Christ is still following the Jews up till today and it will follow them until they repent and give back the rights of the people, which they have stolen.
[Father Abd Al-Sayyid is the Pastor of Mari Girgis church in Hadayik Al-Maadi] Keeping silent was the doctrine of Jesus Christ as he refused to defend himself against all the lies and the claims that were exposed against him.
Currently, however, a small booklet about "El-Isra’ and Me’rag" (night journey and ascension to heaven) is being distributed among Christian youth as an old, medieval, document authored by an old Syrian Orthodox bishop. The story resembles the night journey and ascension to heaven of the prophet...
The Priest David Benjamin Caldani converted to Islam and wrote a book called ’Muhammad in the Holy Book’ in which he explains how he came to convert to Islam.
In this article the brochure mentioned in the previous article is criticized. Christians do not have Christ’s original message, the author claims.
The author claims that superstitions are spreading to the Coptic churches abroad. For example characteristics are attributed to saints which are in conflict with historical evidence. For example Copts believe saint Abu Sefein spoke an Upper Egyptian dialect of Coptic while in fact he was from Asia...


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