Displaying 161 - 170 of 389.
Amidst rallies to mobilize their congregations to vote 'no', the three major Churches of Egypt declined to attend the presidential ceremony held two days ago and during which the draft constitution was handed out to President Mursī. 
Bishop Yuhanna Qultah, the deputy patriarch of the Coptic Catholics and a representative of the Egyptian churches in the constituent assembly writing a new constitution for Egypt, announced the withdrawal of the three churches from the panel.
The Vatican’s news agency Fides said the first Egyptian Catholic TV station will be launched in 2013 under the name al-Salām (Peace) to be the voice of a Coptic Catholic community living in a large country ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood.
A high-level source in the Vatican said Cairo has sent a request nominating Public Prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd for the post of ambassador to it more than 15 days ago, before a court acquitted defendants involved in case of assaults on protesters on February 2, 2011, known in the media as the...
The Vatican, during a weekly sermon by Pope Benedict XVI of the Roman Catholic Church, in which he used Arabic for the first time in a bid to have larger communication with Christians and Muslims in the Middle East, expressed concerns about the emigration of the region’s Christians for their own...
In an exclusive statement to al-Dustūr, Diocesan Bishop Binyamīn (Benjamin) of al-Minūfiyah, said that President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, is different from all his predecessors [state presidents], and “he is a person of great tolerance,” stressing that “al-Sīsī cannot be held responsible for the...
Egyptian Churches’ leaderships have emphasized that neither they nor their representatives will receive or meet with US Vice President Mike Pence, who is due to visit Egypt this week, stressing that Copts' issues are internal affairs of Egypt.
 Bishop Pachomius, commenting on calls to stage protests against the Muslim Brotherhood on August 24, said the church does not interfere in politics, adding the church remains a spiritual institution that keeps its distance from political affairs. Father Rafīq Greish, the media spokesman for the...
Bishop Dr. Yūhannā Qultah Sa‘īd, Deputy Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church, comments on the recent attack on Egyptian troops in Sinai and the tragic events in Dahshūr: “the internal picture is just another facet of what is happening on the [Sinai] border … There is a pressing need for the...
There are new hopes for resuming relations between Al-Azhar and the Vatican. Dr. Shawkī Allām, Egypt's Mufti, attended a peace conference in Rome as a representative of the Shaykh of Al-Azhar.  The mufti carried a message from Shaykh to the Pope welcoming the renewal of dialogue between the two...


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