Displaying 201 - 210 of 385.
He three Coptic Churches (Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic) are in a race against time to complete the draft law of Church building as per the request of Counselor Ibrahīm al- Hunaīdī, Minister of Transitional Justice. 
The UN Human Rights committee is denouncing attacks committed against children by clergy of the Catholic Church (the Vatican). It denounced the policies that, according to the statement, allowed priests to rape hundreds of thousand children and to sexually harass them. It called for revealing the...
The three Egyptian churches condemned the statements of Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, against Grand Shaykh al-Tayyib for his religious weight and impact not only on Egypt but also on the whole world. Pope Tawadros II condemned Erdogan's statements and assured that the Shaykh of al-...
Judge Muṣṭafā Alham, Governor of Luxor, met with the delegation of the Italian Catholic Church, headed by the Italian archbishop Luigi Vari, accompanied by Bishop ʿAmānūʾīl ʿAyyād, Luxor Archbishop of Coptic Catholics and the coordinator of the visit.
The three Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic churches said they reject plans by some to boycott the presidential elections and encourage all Egyptians to participate in the voting process and support the candidate they think would be able to attain the objectives of the revolution and establish a...
The three Coptic Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic Churches also declined to comment on the rulings handed down by the Supreme Constitutional Court on Thursday (June 14) regarding the invalidity of the one-third individual seats in parliament and the unconstitutionality of the law on practicing...
The three Egyptian churches represented in the constitution-writing panel, however, approved the election of Counselor Husām al-Ghiryānī, President of the Supreme Judiciary Council and the Court of Cassation, as chairman of the assembly. [‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-Wafd, June 20, p. 3] Read original...
The three Coptic Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic churches denied they had any contacts from Muslim Brotherhood leaders for dialogue on guarantees the group should offer to civil powers as part of its plans to back its candidate Mursī in the runoff. [‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān and Nashwá al-Shirbīnī, ...
In the midst of all these political crises and economic slowdown, there is actually no voice by intellectuals as their unity and solidarity to defend the Arab destiny are absent. [Yūhannā Qultah, al-Ahrām, June 18, p. 10] Read original text in Arabic
Background: A ziggurat is an enormous stone construction built in ancient Mesopotamia. The Ziggurat of Ur is a Sumerian temple built during the Early Bronze Age, about the 21st century BCE. The ruins were excavated in the 1920s and 1930s by the British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley. The...


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