Displaying 301 - 310 of 385.
The reconciliation committee faces a lot of obstacles and difficulties while performing its role in reconciling families in dispute due to some unduly burdensome requirements.
Watani International spoke to Bishop Bīshūy about ecumenical dialogue. He discusses the development of Christian dialogue and points that the different churches have come to agreements on over the years.
A Muslim convert reports on converts’ conditions in Egypt and Father ‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt of the Coptic Orthodox Church reports on the church’s stance.
Max Michel argues that chastity is not a biblical or theological condition for choosing the patriarch.
Dār al-Iftā’ issue a fatwá claiming that polygamy is not prohibited in Judaism and Christianity according to the Torah and the Bible. The fatwá aroused Christians’ resentment.
The author reports on the first khul‘ lawsuit brought to a court by a Christian lady.
A consecrated woman in the Coptic Orthodox Church complains to Pope Shenouda III about Bishop Yu’annis who allegedly unfairly excommunicated her.
The key to encouraging people to respect other’s beliefs is education, believes Dr. Amīn Makram ‘Ubayd. According to him, state schools should promote the brotherhood of all citizens, not the followers of one religion above the others.   An ideal state school system should be non religious, but...
’The Copts, Christianity in the Shadows of Pyramids and Minarets’ was the name of a conference that was held at the Evangelical academy in Hofgeismar. During the conference participants discussed Copts’ history in Egypt and the current situation.
According to Bishop Qultah of the Coptic Catholic Church there are three levels of dialogue between Christians and Muslims in the Arab world. However this dialogue needs to be expanded in order for it to be more effective and should be combined with a better education system.


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