Displaying 71 - 80 of 385.
In 2020, we needed for the renewal of Missio support a letter of recommendation of either the Apostolic Vicar in Egypt, the Apostolic Nuncio or the Coptic Catholic Patriarch. The previous recommendation had come from Bishop Adel Zaky, O.F.M., in function from September 1, 2009, until he sadly...
In 2020, we needed for the renewal of Missio support a letter of recommendation of either the Apostolic Vicar in Egypt, the Apostolic Nuncio or the Coptic Catholic Patriarch. The previous recommendation had come from Bishop Adel Zaky, O.F.M., in function from September 1, 2009, until he sadly...
After 76 years of asking for a Christian personal status law in Egypt, churches and the government have agreed on a bill that will be revealed soon after it goes to the House of Representatives to be approved.
Munṣif Sulaymān, Legal Advisor to the Coptic Orthodox Church and member of the House of Representatives, announced the completion of reviewing the Family Law (Personal Status for Copts) in the Ministry of Justice. All sides have agreed on all articles of the draft law after 16 sessions that brought...
The Coptic movements concerned with divorce and second marriage hailed the completion of the family draft law for Christians, prepared by Egyptian churches and the government. They considered it a breakthrough in solving problems of thousands of Copts affected by personal status issues, due to the...
Seven years have passed since the rule of President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī. These years have witnessed many achievements and successes, the most prominent of which is strengthening the Copts' relationship with the state and gaining the respect and love of the Coptic people, particularly of His...
Members of the Episcopal Church of Egypt were called to come to the All Saints Cathedral for an extra-ordinary church meeting that was carefully designed to result in a call for a letter to President Abdelfattah al-Sisi [ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī] to recognize the Anglican Diocese of Egypt as an...
During a recorded speech given to students at the Ecumenical Institute for the Middle East, Pope Tawāḍrūs II said that God sent the Coronavirus plague to serve as a warning to mankind to watch itself as it develops technology and makes new discoveries.  He added that mankind believes that it is the...
Pope Francis’s visit to Iraq and his meetings with political and religious leaders is a powerful move by the pope to spread peace and bring hope to a country where there appears to be no limit to its suffering.  However, the trip is also a powerful reminder of the trial and tribulations of...
Tomorrow marks the eighth anniversary of the founding of the Egyptian Council of Churches (ECC), which was established on February 18, 2013, by the heads and members of the Egyptian churches.  The idea for the council came after Egyptian churches participated in meetings held by the Middle Eastern...


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