Displaying 91 - 100 of 393.
The Catholic Church announced that Vatican Ambassador to Egypt Archbishop Nicolas Henry has just finished his pastoral trip to the Catholic Diocese of Asyūṭ.  The ambassador was invited by Bishop Kyrillos William [Kīrillus William], archbishop of the diocese of Asyūṭ. 
Pope Tawāḍrūs II had a phone call with Pope Francis on Sunday in celebration of the Day of Brotherly Love held on May 10th between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. 
The Catholic Church in Egypt announced that it has taken new measures to fight the Coronavirus for daily liturgy and Christmas masses that will be celebrated on December 24th and 25th. 
Reverend Rifʿat Fatḥī, general secretary for Evangelical Synod of the Nile and the Evangelical Church’s representative in the personal status law discussions, said that the Evangelical, Catholic, and Orthodox Churches have come to an agreement on the provisions of the personal status law. 
Dr. Munīr Ḥannā, bishop of the Episcopal-Anglican Church for the Alexandria region, participated in a mass commemorating the anniversary of the Armenian genocide.  The mass was headed by Rev. Krikor-Okosdinos Coussa, bishop for the Armenian Catholic Church, at the Armenian Catholic Church of St....
Al-Azhar celebrated International Day of Peace, which seeks to strengthen peace between nations and peoples, eliminate violence, and promote cease fires around the world through education and greater awareness.
The draft of a law for Christian families in Egypt has again resulted in disagreements between churches, which were conveyed in notes sent to the government.
Metropolitan Sirābiyūn [Serapion], archbishop of Los Angeles and its subsidiaries, stressed that there are different explanations to the statements made by Pope Francis about gay rights with some saying that these statements were made at different times, or that they were grouped together by the...
Representatives of Egypt’s Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Churches officially submitted a draft of the personal status law for Christians in Egypt to Sharīf al-Shādhilī, advisor to Prime Minister Muṣṭafā Madbūlī.  Now the government will hand it over to parliament, so it can become law.
Isḥaq Ibrāhīm, a researcher within the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, said that recent events in al-Buḥayrah are yet another example of the recurring story of church closures creating sectarian tension. In the absence of a license to build a church, the people of the village of Kūm al-...


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