Displaying 51 - 60 of 109.
“The Together for Egypt” project continued its work in al-Minyā governorate with a workshop entitled “How to manage dialogue and discussion”. 23 Muslim and Christian youths participated in the workshop, which took place at the Community Development Association in the village of Zāwiya Sulṭān. The...
Dr. Munīr Ḥannā, bishop of the Episcopal Church for the Alexandria region, condemned the Zionist, terrorist attempt to burn down the Church of All Nations [Church of Gethsemane] in Jerusalem. 
Dr. Munīr Ḥannā, bishop of the Episcopal-Anglican Church for the Alexandria region, participated in a mass commemorating the anniversary of the Armenian genocide.  The mass was headed by Rev. Krikor-Okosdinos Coussa, bishop for the Armenian Catholic Church, at the Armenian Catholic Church of St....
The draft of a law for Christian families in Egypt has again resulted in disagreements between churches, which were conveyed in notes sent to the government.
Dr. Munīr Ḥannā, bishop of the Anglican Episcopalian Church for Alexandria, held his first mass in Arabic at the All Saints’ Cathedral in Zamalek [al-Zamālik] after the government allowed churches to resume in person church services in light of the Coronavirus precautionary measures.  
The ruling that the Supreme Administrative Court issued in the appeal to not allow the Episcopal Church to split from the Evangelical Church has not settled the ongoing religious and organizational dispute between the two sides regarding the latter’s subordinance to the Protestant Community and its...
The Catholic, Evangelical and Episcopal churches of Egypt have announced that they have joined with al-Azhar and the Vatican to pray on Thursday May 14, for humanity to be relieved from the novel coronavirus pandemic, at the invitation of the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity.
All the denominations of Egypt’s churches came together to celebrate Sunday’s masses for Christian unity, including the Orthodox, Catholic, Evangelical, Greek Orthodox and Episcopal churches. The masses were part of a week of prayer for Christian unity, organized in cooperation with the Egyptian...
The Episcopal Church in Old Egypt began one of the activities for the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” under the title, “Youth Day,” in participation with the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox, Catholic, Episcopalian, Evangelical, and Roman Catholic denominations.  At this event, the heads of the...
The number of Christian publishing houses, participating in the Cairo International Book Fair 2020, has reached over ten and includes the Bible Society, Evangelical Culture Publishing House, Logos Publishing House, Episcopal Publishing, St. Mark’s Magazine, which is a part of the Monastery of St....


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