Displaying 231 - 240 of 291.
The following article presents a brief overview of the visit of a Dutch delegation to Egypt.
The press continues its investigations into the case of Muḥammad Aḥmad Ḥijāzī, an Egyptian citizen who has converted to Christianity. He has filed the first ever lawsuit to formally prove that he has become a Christian by changing his ID and other official papers. A broad range of opinions and...
Thanā’ Rustum interviewed Fāḍil Sulaymān, director of the Jisūr [Bridges] Institute, on the mission of his institution as well as his efforts to reform the distorted image of Islam in the West in general and the U.S. in particular.
The article talks about the opening of a new church in the United Arab Emirates by Pope Shenouda III and the second laymen’s conference.
The author thinks that only constructive dialogue between leaders of different religions can lead to peace and social tolerance.
This article is an interview with Ibrahim Fahmy Helal, who led the Coptic Nation group that appeared at the time of Pope Yousab. He speaks about the attempt of the group to kidnap the pope and force him to abdicate papacy
The letter of recommendation for the Center of Arab-West Understandings work from Kerkinactie.
The Egyptian press has widely covered the four-day visit that Pope Benedict XVI paid to Turkey from November 28 to December 1, 2006 in an obvious attempt to heal the wounds opened by his earlier "offensive" remarks on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. According to political analysts, the pontiff’s...
Sawt al-‘Ummah printed an interview with the chairman of the British Coptic Association while answering an invitation by al- Jazīrah TV channel. He explains Coptic activities abroad, and stresses the Coptic intention to establish an “International Coptic Council,” similar to that of the Jews.
Dr. Rodolph Yanny, editor-in-chief of the US-based Coptic Church Review, reviews "Among the Copts" of Father Dr. John Watson, Anglican scholar and member of the Board of Advisors of the RNSAW. Dr. Yanney calls the book "a comprehensive presentation of the life and thought of the Coptic Orthodox...


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