Displaying 61 - 70 of 282.
The secretary general of the Muslim Council of Elders, Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Salām, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, met to discuss the best ways to strengthen cooperation in the area of East-West dialogue. Judge ʿAbd al-Salām expressed his appreciation for Rev. Welby’s efforts to promote...
Cornelis Hulsman is from a conservative Christian Reformed family in the Netherlands but developed a fascination for the Coptic Orthodox Church. He became a member in 1985. Many stories of Christian persecution in Muslim countries come from the Dutch Christian organization Open Doors,  which has an...
Victim, inferior and oppressed. These are strong words, but these often describe the supposed experience of Muslim woman in the eyes of people in the West. What is the other side of the coin? How do Muslim women face Islamophobic terms coming from the West? This article intends to listen to the...
On Saturday, the Egyptian Embassy in Belgrade organized an event entitled "Cairo's contribution to the enrichment of Islamic culture: Architecture, calligraphy, artifacts", hosted by the Islamic Sheikhdom of Serbia.
On Monday, Major General ʿIṣām Saʿad, Governor of Asyūṭ, met with Archbishop Nicolas Henry, the Vatican’s Ambassador to Egypt and representative of His Holiness Pope Francis. Archbishop Nicolas Henry visited some churches in various districts of the governorate, and met with Muslim and Christian...
World Arabic Language Day is celebrated every year on 18th of December because it is the day on which the UN General Assembly adopted its resolution no. 3190 in December 1973, by which it approved the inclusion of Arabic among the official and the working languages of the UN.
HRH Prince Charles and his wife Camilla are currently visiting Egypt, their first visit to the country in 15 years. Prince Charles is well-known for his work in interfaith dialogue. Prof. Dr. Hassan M. Wageih Hassan [Ḥassan Muḥammad Wajīh Ḥassan], a close friend of Arab-West Report, recalls the...
Dr. Muḥammad al-Ḍuwaynī, Undersecretary of al-Azhar al-Sharif, said that the relationship and coexistence between peoples is one of the origins of Islam, and a universal societal necessity. He stressed that constructive civilizational communication should go beyond slogans to actions and be...
The International Conference on Religions for Peace kicked off yesterday in Lindau, Germany. The conference was headed by the Egyptian Dr. ʿAzza Karam, the General Secretary of Religions for Peace Organisation, in addition to 130 speakers and religious leaders attended with 1700 participants in...
The Grand Imam, Dr Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, Shaykh of al-Azhar and His Holiness Pope Francis, Pope of the Catholic Church, held a meeting on Monday at the Vatican, following their participation in the Interfaith Leaders Summit on Climate Change.


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