Displaying 2061 - 2070 of 2817.
Former Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary candidate Majdī ‘Āshūr told al-Dustūr that he respects the group’s decision of him not representing them in parliament and that he will continue to serve the people of al-Nuzhah district as an independent member. He said that he has been under a lot of...
Muslim Brotherhood leader Dr. Muhammad Badī‘ said that the group would have won over a hundred seats in the recent parliamentary elections if it were not for fraud. He said that the group will not back down from taking legal action to “bring down the parliament,” even if it means the whole group...
Diana Māhir Ghālī reviews this weekend's opinion articles dealing with the Alexandria church attack...  
Thousands of Egyptian Muslims and Christians joined together in Cairo to protest and condemn the attack against the Two Saints Church, Saint Mark and Pope Peter on New Year's Day. They also called for national unity and solidarity. Similar protests also took place in other Egyptian cities....
The ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) has accused the former chief of the UN nuclear watchdog, Muḥammad al-Barād‘ī, of exploiting the Alexandria church bombing to achieve political gains. Al-Barād‘ī is not only being criticized for politicizing the blast, but also for criticizing the...
In the first official fatwá issued by the Muslim Brotherhood immediately after their withdrawal from the parliamentary elections, MB Muftī, ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Bār said in his statements that MB withdrawal from the parliamentary elections in the second round is lawful (Halāl) while rigging the...
The East Cairo prosecution listened to Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary candidate Majdī ‘Ashūr’s testimony after his family accused members of the group of kidnapping him. He said that members of the group restricted his freedom and put him under a lot of pressure, but did not kidnap him. ‘Ashūr’s...
Safīnāz Kāzim disagrees with those who call for the separation of religion and politics, stating that the nation of Egypt is necessarily a religious country. In her opinion, every Muslim's ideal governing system of Muslim land involves Islamic rule with Islamic laws.
In this Egyptian Gazette article, Manāl ‘Abd al-‘Azīz questions whether Sudanese president ‘Umar al-Bashīr is seeking to unite or divide the nation of Sudan by threatening to apply Islamic Sharī‘ah law if South Sudan carries through with its plan to separate from the North. ‘Abd al-Azīz says that...
Sidhum begins by summarizing President Husnī Mubārak’s recent speech before the commencement of the new parliamentary round. He provides a largely positive analysis of the speech’s content, saying that if his government succeeds in accomplishing the social and economic goals that Mubārak mentioned...


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