Displaying 2701 - 2710 of 2816.
A press review of attitudes to the Muslim Brotherhood and its role in the new parliament, criticism that the group is putting party politics over the Egyptian people, and statements by leading figures in the group questioning the Holocaust.
A list of the questions submitted to Egyptians, concerning the article, written by Yustina Saleh on the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
A critique of the controversial work of researcher Yustina Saleh on the 2nd article of the Egyptian constitution, which states that sharī‘a is the main source of law.
This article discusses some explanations for terrorism and makes a distinction between terrorism and resistance.
The author wonders whether the European Union has set such difficult conditions for Turkey’s accession to the EU because they strongly oppose Turkish accession, but cannot reject Turkey outright.
Some might have expected the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) to pay gratitude to the Copts in the parliamentary elections, but in fact, only one Copt was nominated by the NDP in the Ghurbāl constituency in Alexandria.
The sectarian tensions in Alexandria are linked by the author to the electoral campaign between Copts and Muslims in Alexandria.
Midhat Bishāy directs nine questions towards the pope, concerning religious matters and the need for the church to re-assume some of its neglected responsibilities.
Understanding honor and shame in the Egyptian and Arab context resulting in misreportings on the conversion and alleged kidnapping of Christian girls. Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad cause tensions
President Jacques Chirac forewarns that Turkey’s rejection by Europe may cause it to move towards fundamentalism and fanaticism.


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