Date of source: Saturday, December 31, 2011
[Lamīs Yahyá is an Egyptian student living in Germany who is supporting the Egyptian student movement for democratization in Egypt. She earlier wrote the investigative report on the conflict around the building of a Coptic Orthodox Church in Marīnāb, September 30, 2011.]
Date of source: Sunday, December 4, 2011
Dr. Muhammad al-Biltājī, Secretary-General of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, attacked the practices of business tycoon Najīb Sawirus in establishing parties, channels and newspapers to divide the nation.
In his rally in Shibīn al-Qanātir area, Biltājī said that Sawirus seeks to...
Date of source:
It is the time before the presidential elections. Egypt is in the middle of a possible transitional period and a mostly transitional mood.
Date of source: Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Freedom and Justice Party's (FJP) vice president 'Isām al-'Iryān held a meeting with Egyptian investors in order to identify their political and economic trends, and called on them to support the tourism sector in order to encourage growth in the Egyptian economy. This statement was made...
Date of source: Monday, June 20, 2011
Several meetings were held between a group of Egyptian educated elite despite their different opinions religious and their beliefs with a number of senior scholars and intellectuals from Al-Azhar. The meeting was held due to an initiative made by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof Dr. Ahmad Al-Tayīb.
Date of source: Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The number of mass murder crimes increased greatly in Egyptian society over the last three years. Some believe that depression resulting from the high cost of living leads some citizens to momentary madness, whereas others argue that the accessibility to weapons without regulations are the reason...
Date of source: Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Najīb Sāwīrus, businessman and founder of the new liberal party “Free Egyptians”, denied saying that he doesn’t want any Copt to run for presidency. Instead he is calling any national efficient Copt to nominate himself in the elections.
Date of source: Sunday, August 1, 2010
Reports released by international and domestic organizations have shown Egypt to be among the top corrupt nations on earth. However shocking this may sound, bribing civil servants has become the norm in Egypt.
In its Global Corruption report 2009, Transparency International attributes Egypt’s...
Date of source: Tuesday, March 15, 2011
[Editor AWR: Both Cardinal Patriarch Antonius Naguib (Cardinal of Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt) and AWR editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman were asked to give presentations about the place of Christians in Egypt today on occasion of "The Parlamentarischer Abend" (informal evening meeting of...
Date of source: Monday, March 14, 2011
The Land Center for Human Rights organized a meeting on Saturday, March 11, 2011 in ‘Ayāt which is not far from ‘Ātfīh. This meeting did not discuss the burning of the church in ‘Ātfīh but dealt with the issue of corruption and bribery by government officials, the seizure of public money, and the...