Displaying 171 - 180 of 183.
The fact that Egyptians no longer fear legal repercussions if they break the law can be attributed to the "feeble regime" that rules the country, states Mukhtār Nūh in his article.
Yūsuf Sidhom berates the continuing examples of extremism that exist in Egypt and details the story of a Bahā’ī student who has been prevented from sitting her Islamic religion exam.
The article provides an overview of a number of stories that have headlined the Egyptian press as of late.
Progress achieved in any Egyptian village is a part of the progress of Egypt as a whole. Some ministers and principals in the Egyptian government waste the state’s money on their personal luxuries. The author denounces the injustice followed in tackling the Coptic issues.
Waḥīd Ḥāmid compares the Islamic Justice and Development Party [AKP] in Turkey, which has reached power, and the Muslim Brotherhood group in Egypt. He believes that the Turkish party has managed to attain power by concerning themselves with the real problems of people, unlike Islamists in Egypt...
The article discussions the furor that was caused by a document that allegedly showed how the U.S. was funneling aid into Christian organizations, and how the reporting on the issue help to stir up a media tempest.
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Ḥāfiz believes that Egyptian officials should adopt a firm stance on a document that shows an alleged shift in the U.S. annual aid to Egypt, which assumed that the aid would be focused in areas with Coptic majority.
The author criticizes the occurrences that surround incidents of sectarian strife, and the continued segregation that Copts are subjected to. He states that Watani International will be accepting donations to assist the victims and the family of the victims in the sectarian crisis in Bimhā.
The article deals with the Fourth Forum of Arab Reform at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. This forum brought together a number of prominent Arab and international researchers who discussed a wide range of topics related to improving the social, economic and civil society welfare of the people in the...
The author discusses the different challenges Turkey is facing with its pursuit of European membership.


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