Displaying 671 - 680 of 970.
 The American Administration welcomes spreading Sufi Islam throughout its lands and supports Sufi Muslims.   
Pope Shenouda insisted that the Secular Copts group who recently proposed a draft personal status law neither represents the Coptic Orthodox people nor the Church. 
 Reports released by international and domestic organizations have shown Egypt to be among the top corrupt nations on earth. However shocking this may sound, bribing civil servants has become the norm in Egypt. In its Global Corruption report 2009, Transparency International attributes Egypt’s...
During the revolution the Muslim Brotherhood, which was banned under the ex-regime, got on well with the young people, just as they listened to other political activists. The group gained more respect when they announced that hey won't be running in the presidential elections. In the meantime, they...
How can the perceived threat of Islamists be blunted? They should be encouraged to integrate themselves. At the same time they should be convinced of the need to espouse the principles of citizenship and equal rights for all – rules already enshrined in Islam. Meanwhile parties should not be...
Fanatics lose one round; Nūr Qaldas; Watani Printing and Publishing Corporation; Cairo; June 2010
Edward Cody, writer in the Washington Post, writes that the biggest winners of the [January] 25 revolution are the Salafists. He described them as Islamic fundamentalists who would like to see the strictest form of Islam applied to all of Egypt and across the Middle East.  
On Friday, March 25, Salafists' activists demonstrated in front of the Qā’id Ibrāhīm Mosque in Alexandria, calling for the withdrawal of current Deputy Prime Minister Yaḥyā al-Jamal and his overly secular views. In the course of the day, verbal and physical scuffles between Salafists and other...
These days, a lot of rumors are flying around on mobile phone text messages, e-mails and social media. Such messages pose a major threat – among many – to the country's security, because they make many citizens suffer sleepless, panic-filled nights. Some rumors can jeopardize lives. The clashes...
[Editor AWR: Both Cardinal Patriarch Antonius Naguib (Cardinal of Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt) and AWR editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman were asked to give presentations about the place of Christians in Egypt today on occasion of "The Parlamentarischer Abend" (informal evening meeting of...


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