Displaying 21 - 30 of 57.
Amīra, a 15 year old girl from Fayūm, experienced a terrifying nightmare that no one could have ever anticipated. 
The security forces of the Aswan Governorate faced a lot of criticism because they did not intervene to end the conflict between the al-Dābūdīya and the Banī Hilāl families which led to the death of 26 people and the wounding of more than 50. There are committees in the security departments whose...
Muhammad Mihanna, advisor of the Shaykh al-Azhar, confirmed that the Grand Imām Ahmad al-Tayyib sent a group of scholars to the Aswan Governorate to support the pacification process and end the bloodshed. They were sent to participate in the Friday prayer and also to organize forums, meetings and...
Armed clashes occur in the Governorate of Qena between two tribes, the 'Imar and the al-Munāna'a family. Yesterday, one person, Farj Yahyá, died after having been shot. They fought over a piece of land. People are afraid that the violence could spread to the whole governorate. The heads of the...
Background: Bahāʾ al-Dīn Ḥassan [Bahay Hassan] is an Egyptian Human Rights defender who has led the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, CIHRS. Since he has received death threats for his work, he is currently living in France. Najād Barʿaī [Negad Borai] also works in the field Human Rights...
Interview Script (Documentation) Interviewer (s): Drs. Cornelis Hulsman and Ms Comfort Dickson Interviewee: Tunisian humanitarian activist Interview setting: A private residence in Maadi, Cairo. The interview was conducted between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Tuesday morning July 17, 2018. The interview...
About the Authors: Mette Toft Nielsen completed her M.A. degree in Culture, Communication and Globalization in Aalborg University, Denmark in 2013. Nielsen began her career at the Center for Arab-West Understanding, researching the reasons why people choose to emigrate for her M.A. thesis....
This article is the first part of a series of three on sexual harrasement in Egypt, following in the wake of the killing of a South Korean woman in Siwa: In the first part, we give an overview on the situation in Egypt, in the second part we will examine the legal framework, and in the final part,...
The Egyptian Writers' Union, headed by Dr.  ʿAlā ʾ ʿAbd al-Khāliq [Alaa Abd Elkhaleq] mourns, along with the creative and intellectual audience in Egypt and the MENA region, the loss of the great novelist Aḥmad al-Shaykh. Aḥmad al-Shaykh passed away yesterday evening, at the age of 78. In his...
Background: Liza van de Linde, a Dutch employee at a Christian owned day-care centre for disabled children in Maʿādī, discusses the living conditions of disabled children in Egypt. Van de Linde reports that there are around 2 million disabled people in Egypt, which includes the physically and...


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