Displaying 181 - 188 of 188.
The mosque of Amr Ibn Al-As, the synagogue of Ezra and the church of Abu Serga are located in one spot in Old Cairo. The mosque of Amr Ibn Al-As is the oldest mosque in Egypt and Africa and the fourth mosque built in Islam. The Abu Serga church is built over a cave where the Holy Family hid. The...
Washington raised the issue of the Armenian massacre at the hands of the Turks in 1915. This led to a real conflict between America and Turkey regarding religious prosecution. Beside recounting the story of the massacre, the article tries to answer the question of " Why does America arouse this...
An antique copy of the Qur’an, going back to the eleventh century, which was written in gold ink, was found when an effort was made to smuggle it from Istanbul to London. The British police is trying to know the details of the smuggling attempt.
The CNN American Net broadcast a show because of the visit of Pope John Paul II to Egypt. Throughout the show that was entitled "Question and answer" which was presented by Riz Khan, the relationship between Muslims and Christians in Egypt and the effect of the Pope’s visit on these relationships...
The national unity of Muslims and Copts in Egypt is revealed in the architectural similarities in both churches and mosques. The design is very similar from the outside. It only differs from the inside according to each one’s beliefs.
Egypt is ready for the celebration of the third millennium. The celebration of the Path of the Holy Family is the responsibility of the Ministry of Tourism. The project of developing the archeological area in old Cairo (the archeological complex of religious sites] is found in that framework. The...
His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday [August 24, 1999] inaugurated the memorial site of one of Prophet Mohammad’s companions in the central Jordan Valley region in Deir Alaa. The ceremony, attended by senior officials and Muslim clergy from different Arab states, is part of the Kingdom’s endeavor...
A U.S. religious scholar and reverend said on Sunday that Jordan’s recent discovery of the baptism site used by Jesus Christ is "the greatest" archaeological landmark of Christian history. Reverend Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral in the United States, also pledged to promote the site to...


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