Displaying 1371 - 1380 of 1449.
The Jordanian authorities’ unexpected move to close the offices of Hamas in Amman, round up 12 of its members and issue arrest warrants against its leaders marked a turning point in relations between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Jordanian government. But the move is expected to have...
Priest Ibrahim Abdel Al-Sayyed died. He had the right to be honored by the church which he had served all his life. God says in the Holy Bible "To me belongeth vengeance, and recompense" (Deuteronomy 32: 35). But now this holy verse has become "To me belongeth vengeance, and recompense", the...
In the continuing absence of Pope Shenouda outside Egypt on a trip to America, the Orthodox Cathedral in Abbassia refused to give permission for prayers to be made over the dead body of the priest Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed pastor of the church of Mari Girgis [St. George] in El-Maadi, in any church of...
Hamas received a serious and surprising blow in Jordan when plainclothes intelligence officers stormed and closed down the offices of four Amman-based Hamas representatives on Monday [August 30, 1999]. They arrested 15 activists. In addition, a summons warrant was issued for the four top-ranking...
The denier of the Sunna, Ismail Mansour, accused Al-Shafi’i of being a deceitful person. He used to misinterpret the Hadiths. He (Mansour) declared that he rejected the Hadiths. By denying the Sunna, he said that he was following the teachings of the Prophet.
The authors are arguing that people who kill others through careless driving should be severely punished.
His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday [August 24, 1999] inaugurated the memorial site of one of Prophet Mohammad’s companions in the central Jordan Valley region in Deir Alaa. The ceremony, attended by senior officials and Muslim clergy from different Arab states, is part of the Kingdom’s endeavor...
The city of Alexandria has witnessed a small celebration which was held by the Culture Council in the memory of the Islamic opening of Egypt. It had been 14 centuries since the Islamic opening of Egypt. During the symposium, a number of history professors spoke about Egypt’s cultural and...
The government’s move to abolish clauses in the penal code allowing leniency for murderers involving the so-called crimes of honor is a highly appreciable gesture. In no way can the ruthless killing of women suspected, rightly or wrongly, of immoral behavior be justified. The so-called killing in...
Pakistan will not allow use of its territory for any action against alleged terrorist Osama bin Laden, the Minister of Interior said. His remarks followed a flurry of unconfirmed reports in the local Press that American commandos were in Pakistan for an operation to detain the alleged terrorist.


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