Displaying 291 - 300 of 1471.
Thanks to the Egyptian historian and writer, Muḥammad Shuʿayr’s book entitled “The Making of Najīb Maḥfūz’ Forbidden Novel: ‘Awlād Ḥaritnā’”, that the reader discovers how Najīb Maḥfūz precipitates further controversy about politics, religion, courage and cowardice. The book is the first of a...
The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the coming of St. Severus [Sāwīris] the Great, the Patriarch of Antioch, to Egypt.  St. Severus the Great came to Egypt in the fifth century AD to strengthen the believers and their churches during a difficult period of persecution by the Emperor Constantine...
Al-Dustūr publishes “The Seven Pillars of the Egyptian Identity”, a book written by Dr. Mīlād Ḥannā that forms the focus of the World Youth Forum of 2018. It seeks to confirm the cohesion of the Egyptian societal fabric in spite of its diversity. The reason behind the selection of the book for the...
ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Nāṣir said that the deceased leader achieved freedom and social justice and ensured education and health for all citizens without distinction. The revolution he led is "purely humanitarian" as he expressed.
“Coptic Mawlids, or the festivities celebrating the birth of Coptic saints: A field study of popular beliefs” by Dr. Dāwūd Makram was recently issued by the General Egyptian Book Organization under the chairmanship of Dr. Haytham al-Ḥājj ʿAlī.  The book is numbered thirty-four under “Popular...
The Union of Copts for the Homeland has announced its endorsement of General Abd al- Fattāh al- Sīsī in the upcoming presidential elections. It stated that the Union is starting a European tour in order to explain the events that happened in Egypt during the last period as well as clarify facts...
Watanī reports on the contempt of religion cases in Egypt. The report refers to the EIPR report on the contempt of religion which counted 48 cases of blasphemy, mostly  directed at Christians after the January 2011 Revolution. The penalties were imposed communally like forced displacement and...
Counselor ‘Umār Marwān, a spokesman for the Fact-finding Commission on the violence that took place since June 30 stated that the Commission has decided to send a report to the government about its visit to Luxor and Aswan and Sohag. He added that the commission has discovered in the visit that the...
Al-Rifāʿī Mosque combines between the Mamlūk heritage and the beauty of the European architectural design. Located in [Mīdān al-Qalʿah] the Citadel Square, it stands as an artistic and architectural masterpiece attesting to the magnificent Egyptian buildings that combine between the oriental and...
The writer stressed in his article on three main facts. First, that the June 30 Revolution is a real popular uprising that was backed by the Armed Forces. Second, that the Egyptian Army had played a national political role throughout the history of Egypt, so its role in the June 30 revolution was...


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