Displaying 1 - 10 of 55.
Today (November 21, 2022), Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī, president of the Protestant Community in Egypt, participated in the celebration of the Evangelical Church in Al-Muqaṭṭam, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the “Love Never Fails” group. The event was attended by Prof....
The English magazine ‘The National’ has highlighted in an article details of the construction of the Virgin Mary and Saint Simon [Samʿān] the Tanner Cathedral. This cathedral, among other churches built on Muqaṭam mountain, was constructed from part of the mountain itself over a period of 20 years.
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II addressed his flocks, yesterday, December 19, prompting them not to be afraid, “as God will protect and guard you and your families from all evil”, and urged them to keep to the commandments of the Holy Bible as they give them all things that pertain to life.  «Do...
During the fourth month of the Coptic calendar Koiak or Kiahk, praises are held in preparation for Eastern Christmas. [Note: The month of Koiak holds a special place in the rite of the Coptic Orthodox Church. It is known as the Marian month because the Nativity according to the Coptic calendar ...
During celebrations commemorating Bishop Pachomius of al-Beheira and the 41st anniversary of his ordination, Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II called on the Egyptian people to pray for the peace of the country and to ask God to protect Egypt from all the dangers threatening her at this time.
State-owned daily newspaper, al-Ahrām, also reports on the million-participant gathering to pray for peace in Egypt. ”Save our country, Lord, save it from terrorism and evil and fill it with your grace!” It is with these words of praise that masses of Egyptian Christians gathered in Saint Simon...
 Al-Sabāh reported that Pope Tawadros finished his seclusion at Saint Bishoy Monastery (Dayr al-Anbā Bīshūy) in Wādī al-Natrūn (it is known that patriarchs do that in hard times). 
Hānī Ramsis, member of the High Board of the Maspero Youth Union stated in the memorial event of the Maspero incident in the Cave Church in the Monastery of Saint Simon the Shoe Maker that no one yet has brought the perpetrators to justice (Peter Magdī, al-Tahrīr, Oct. 11, p. 7). Read original text...
Just by entering the monastery of  Samʿān al-Kharāz we find the beauty of nature around us everywhere, as you are surrounded by trees and roses, you can enjoy watching the carved drawings of Blessed Virgin Mary accompanied by verses of the bible on the walls of the monastery. Inside the monastery...
A strong debate is taking place in Coptic circles due to the decision of  Father Abanoub of Muqattam to prevent protestant hymn singers from singing in St. Simon’s the Shoemaker Church in Muqattam, restricting it to Orthodox singers. 


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