Displaying 1061 - 1070 of 1247.
This lecture forms the background to Lord Carey’s lecture in July in Cairo. Lord Carey explained his purpose of seeking to build bridges of understanding between Islam and Christianity. “Compassion and understanding are the only tools to handle hatred and violence.” For understanding also critical...
This report presents the interviews with nineteen people, 18 Egyptians and one American researcher about the importance of the work of Arab-West Report, people of different backgrounds, Muslims and Christians, clergy and non-clergy, including scholars and human rights lawyers. Christian...
Last week, two martyrdom operations lead to the killing of 16 Israelis, and in Iraq, 12 Nepalis and three Turks were killed. All the bloodshed produced by these incidents is the product of violence, oppression and the disregard for humanity dignity. The real “terrorism” that the nations of Iraq,...
What has happened to us that has made our youth become professional kidnappers and assassins, and made suicide operations a means of resistance and expression? I ask this question and think about the Iraqi scenario where many European journalists and Turkish and Asian workers have been killed in...
I admired the message sent by Dr. Kamal Chatila, the leader of the Nasserist Lebanese Party, to Sheikh Al-Harthy, head of the Authority of Muslim Scholars in Iraq. The message confirms that Muslims disagree with the barbarous acts committed by some Iraqis in the name of Islam or national liberation...
An unprecedented wave of hate crimes is spreading throughout Europe, particularly in France, targeting Arab and Muslim cemeteries. Attackers have destroyed gravestones and defaced them by drawing swastikas and writing message of hatred. Concerned authorities have not found a clear explanation of...
The sheikh of the mosque was shocked when he found out that the some of his worshippers were actually FBI agents who used to frequent the mosque until one day, they revealed their identity and arrested some worshippers. Muslims must defend their religion against the terrorist groups that are taking...
“The good Muslim and the evil Muslim” is the title of eminent Ugandan thinker Mahmoud Mamdani’s most recent book written in 2004. It’s predictable that the American administration would slot Muslims into categories of good and evil. Those who would help the administration fight terrorism in Iraq...
Last week’s editorial inspired significant feedback from readers and friends, who were eager to comment on the exclusion of Copts from leading administrative positions. Although the question has been one of the most important long-ignored problems in Egypt, it surfaced again when the recent...
The Talmud is considered the first constitution of the Jewish law after the Torah, yet it became a source of problems for the Jews who study it because the topics in it are not well organized. The rulings and laws of the Talmud are still controversial for most Jewish scholars. [Father Macros does...


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