Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
Faction leaders of the fundamentalist Jihād Organization are working on an initiative to cease all violence. The ideologue of the Jihād Organization, Sayyid Imām ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, finished his new book of rules and asked for a million British pounds for a five-year contract to publish and translate...
The article talks about Sayyid Imām, the muftī of the Jihād Organization, and his repentance.
In an interview with al-Wafd, Usāmah Muṣṭafá Hasan Nasr, otherwise known as Abū ‘Umar al-Miṣrī, spoke about his alleged abduction by CIA agents from a Milan street to Egypt where he was imprisoned and interrogated.
Al-Usbua´s reporting about US interference in Egyptian curricula is the result of polarization between US-government and Egyptian authors who no longer trust information of US government sources. These authors are basing their information on sources they trust but this may result in...
Understanding honor and shame in the Egyptian and Arab context resulting in misreportings on the conversion and alleged kidnapping of Christian girls. Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad cause tensions
The title "Muslims in the West" no longer expresses the reality, as the Muslims have become part of the west, within its borders and not outside them or against them. The millions who have moved started to settle, insure their children’s future and prepare to save their identities by building...
Muslims are in a difficult situation because of the inability of others to distinguish the difference between various Muslims groups. The world is full of struggles, clashes and disputes. These occur in countries where the majority are Hindu, Christian or Buddhist just as they do where Muslims are...
There has currently been extensive talk about continued confrontation with the Jihad underground organization, which is the most dangerous terrorist group. The organization has been receiving heavy blows inside and outside the country. The current period of time has witnessed the handing over to...
The Ministry of Interior released yesterday 1000 prisoners of the Gama’a Islamiyya who had renounced their terrorist thought. The ministry’s decision is unconnected from any [alleged] deal with terrorists, they said.
The Pentagono certificates were especially widespread among Protestant Christians, including the Maadi Community Church. Thousands and thousands have participated but the claim in several papers that 300 million US$ was taken out of the country seems to be exaggerated. Was the number inflated to...


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